College of Charleston Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at College of Charleston accurate?


Yes and no. We do party it up Charleston style.. but most of us are good academically, as well. Not all of the girls are like that either. There are a lot of us who bum it to class everyday... but get dressed up later around 10 at night! :)


pretty much


Definitely a beach school, majority of people of from the south, if not mainly south carolina. Greek life is big, but not overpowering though.


No! CofC has a lot of diversity, we even have SPECTRA which is a live-in summer program for incoming freshman minority students. Maybe it is a party school, but what school isn't? And although we have a thriving Greek program, not all girls and guys are members of that (and not all members are ditzy or jerks or whatever)--in fact, I personally only know maybe 3 people in the Greek system. There are a lot of surfers, but we live at the beach and they're nice to look at so who cares.


To some extent. All of these stereotypes can be found at the school but in no way do they represent the majority ideas, opinions, and styles of the C of C students. It a very diverse college.


For some, but you can love the school without partying or with; it all depends on what you want to do or who you hang out with.


Not really, though the student body is overwhelmingly white. There are not a lot of minorities on campus. Everyone is really nice, though. CofC just doesn't seem to attract many minority students.


yes and no; the entire Charleston environment is very relaxed, slow, and laid back...however, we tend to have a wide variety of individuals on our campus from the most southern conservative to extremely liberal students and professors


yes and yes and yes


Let's face it, every school is a "party school" in the south. Cofc just happens to be located in the middle of a busy city, so its gets associated with all that goes on in Charleston. The truth of the matter is that some do party a lot, maybe even every day, but they wont last long. Cofc is challenging and during the week, most of us are really busy with school, other activities, even jobs. The weekends, however, are a whole nother story, but thats only normal. People who think cofc is a party school don't know what they're talking about. (parents and highschoolers) offense.