College of Charleston Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at College of Charleston accurate?


For the most part.


not everyone


Some people do wear preppy clothes but for the most part students wear clothes that are in style. It is a party school! I have friends from all over the country. Some from Maryland, Washington, Ohio, and more. The variety of people is great.


No. Both schools are excellent, both have a good student body. Although, CofC does have more females and Citadel has more males, both schools have a good, representative student body.


Sort of, but in all the good ways! I had an incredibly fun time at CofC but there are so many other things to do besides party; it's a very active campus. The students are a lot of fun and do tend to have a relaxed, laid back vibe.


To me, it doesn't seem any different than any other college campus.


laid back, yes. like to have a good time, yes. however, i dont know a whole lot of people with stds.




CofC does have a lot of Greek societies and there are plenty of parties if you WANT to party. However, I personally am not into the whole party scene; I have a blast with my friends without partying every night. There is so much to do in Charleston that it is easy to find something fun every night that you have free, whether parties are involved or not. As far as the academic realm goes, I'd say that CofC has just as rigorous a program as other public colleges in the state, especially if you are in the Honors program. The Honors College has astonishing acceptance rates for its graduates into medical/dental school and other graduate programs.


for the most part.