College of Charleston Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at College of Charleston accurate?






Yes, there are the overprivledged and snobby but CofC is also filled with kids who've worked hard for where they are. CofC is also home to a lot of hippies and art students who make the campus unique. Its fair to say everyone is easily able to find a place at CofC.




for the most part, especially the 9:1, ridiculous amount of girls


Yes and No, CofC is a great place for a non-drinker and serious student but if you are into the party scene, CofC is a great place too!


For the most part, yes. We have beautiful weather, the beach is 20 minutes away, and our campus is right in the middle of a great historic city.


Both of these are fairly true especially about our students being very laid back.


absolutely. C of C is ridiculously party-oriented, and as a non-drinker I often feel left out of every single social activity because everyone else seems to center their free time around not just drinking, but getting drunk. It is just like high school all over again, which is kind of disappointing. As for the academics, I used to think that I was just settling by coming to C of C, but the administration and most individual departments have been taking huge steps towards advancing the academic prowess of the college and improve its competitiveness with other schools.


To some exent they are accurate. But any stereotype is true to some extent. But you can always find some people who are different.