Prepare for college by first applying for scholarships and government-supplied financial aid, as this step - though tedious at times - will remove monetary stress and allow for more time to enjoy classes and learning (take student loans as a last resort). Buy and sell textbooks online to save money while helping other students in your same situation (schools like to sell high and buy low, a negative impact on students). Above all, apply to as many colleges as you can; don't feel restricted by state boundaries, because college is about experiencing new things and seeing new places. If moving to a new state for a college seems like a challenge (or staying in your current state while family moves to a new one), know that schools are willing to work with you and on-campus living is usually quite affordable. Be sure to follow your dreams and do everything in your power to attain your goals; don?t let circumstance make your choices for you. Your main priority as a college student should be to improve the world and enhance the lives of others by your efforts - be confident in asking for assistance and laugh off the little worries.
The choice to go to college is the smartest idea one can make for their future, however the college experience can either make or break the desire to finish with a much needed degree. There are literally thousands of stresses that batter the mind of a high school senior about where to continue their education, how they are going to pay for it, will they meet new friends, are classes hard and of course will I be prepared to be successful in the world ahead.
To prepare for college the financial situation (how is school going to be paid for) should be addressed first and foremost. Lots of stress can occur when a student finds themself needing a certain book, not having money for food or activities with friends, needing certain lab equipment or even worrying about the final bill at the end of each semester. Making sure your financial needs will be met with either financial aid or the availability of a job should be the main focus. I soley believe anyone can be successful with a degree from any college/university, I just don't want to be paying for it the first few years of my career.
I wish I had spent more time looking for the right school for me: researching online, taking campus tours, etc. I think that I chose my school out of convenience rather than the best fit, which has worked out ok, but I feel like I missed out on a lot.
Some advice that I would give students about finding the right college and making the most of their college experience is to find a field that they are passionate about. The school you choose, where ever you will go will be an experience. Hopefully a good one. Be passionate for something, whether it being art, teaching, or even microbiology, make the best of the facilities at the college, join a club, expand your horizons. Ideas have consequences whether they are good or bad consequences. Take something from every idea that you have, every experience you are in. Reach out and touch others' lives, everyone you meet will in some way touch your heart, allow it to. What is the "right" college? that is something for you to decide. What are you passionate about? Go where your passion abounds in that college. One final piece of advice I could give for making the most out of your college experience is don't just talk to people, listen, not just hear, listen.
go CSUP!
Pick a school size that fits with the students own personal style. If they prefer smaller classes and they go to a large university, they may feel insignificant and detached from the school. Find a school that also coincides with the students own personal social style. A school that is known for partying will not work for a student who is dedicated to their studies. Finally, pick a school that is known for the particular department that the student is hoping to major in. When the faculty is well educated and passionate about their work, then the student will ultimately find their own passion and make the most of the years they are there.
Be sure to do your research before you choose your school. This research includes personal and educational research. I wish I would have known myself more before I chose the first university to attend. Make sure the major you've chosen is the one you will stick with for four years. APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS! Talk to your professors; they have the power to help you get into some amazing programs and opportunities.
Its not all about binge drinking and partying. Find a smaller campus, with small class sizes. There is more one on one interaction with the professors, they know your name most of the time. Your not just a number to them. It makes things so much easier. And its generally less expensive too. Expensive schools aren't everything. You can get the same education just about any where.
Make sure the colleges you are looking at have all the options you want out of a college. That is very important.
An incoming freshman should not chose a school based off personal relationships, nightlife, or architectural design. Make a list of the five most important things that you want out of your college and find the closest match while considering cost and reputation. Above all, remember that you are enrolling in college to learn and earn a degree.
Do some looking around before you commit to just any old school. I think my college experience would be far greater if I had taken the time to find a school that would better fit me.