What i have gotten from my college experience is the sense fo being an adult. When you go to college you do not have your parents holding your hand anymore it is time to make your own decisions. College for me has been amazing. I have done things that I never thought I could handle on my own, it has given me a sense of worth in this world. College has been valuable to me because it has shown me that i am capable of much more than i imagined, although some of it may be scary college has truly made me grow up and become a better person.
I have recieved confidence in myself. I have gained the knowledge that I can accomplish something I once thought was bigger than me. I now have knowledge about things that I never knew I could learn. I always knew that there was a higher education out there and that I could never stop learning but so far in my college expirience, I have only wanted to learn more and more. It has been very valuable to me to attend college because I understand that the world is rapidly becoming more competative and that getting a higher education is the only way for me to keep up with it. I am the first to attend college in my family and I can finally prove to them that I can do something I put my mind to and I do struggle but through it all, I have become a stronger person and I have gained a certain knowlege about my life. I have become more mature as well because I have had to deal with all the bumps in the road and I understand mor about how the world works. If I hadn't attended, that might have taken longer.
I am an older student, now 30, but that has not kept me for having a great college experience. Yes, I did not focus as much as I should have when I went to school right after high school, but I did learn more about myself and became more of an independent person. As as older student my experience has been one of acceptance and motivation. I thought I was too old, but with all the support I get from the people I come in contact with, I know its never too late. The college experience is valuable obviously for educational advancement, and better opportunities, but also to discover who I was as an individual.
a life long experience and memories that will carry me through life and halp me accomplish all my goals in life. i have gotten a second chance and a future for me and my famil, not to mention to be the first one in my family to go!
I have a better understanding of the needs and learning abilities of elementary school students. I have learned many creative .ways to engage them into different areas of learning
It has helped me learn to study better and more efficiently.
I went to a local JC back in California before transfering here for teh nursing school. I can honestly say I have learned more about college and just what I need to do to be sucessful and what i need to know once i graduate in the first semester at CSUP than I did at the JC.
I received the education, skills, and development of personal qualities that allowed me to succeed from a post secondary institute. College allowed me to grow from a cook making minimum wage to a career path set in the information technology industry. I have become a well rounded individual and gained several qualities such as: communication, teamwork, integrity, diligence, and respect. I truly believe that my college experience has shaped my life and set me on a course that I would not have achieved otherwise. The social interaction has allowed me to form new lifetime friendships who I have kept in touch with since graduation. This type of networking also landed me my first job. College allowed me to pursue a career that I have contemplated since I was a child and opened unbelievable opportunities.
I became a teenage father at the age of 19. College allowed me to earn a job that enables me to take care of my family. I am extremely grateful for the education I have received and only wish to continue my academic career.
I have learned to not be afraid to ask questions when you don't understand something. I learned that when things are tough for you and you think you can't do it, there is always someone on campus that you can talk to that will make everything better and you will feel like you can accomplist everything you set your mind too. Attending college gets me one step closer to my lifetime dream of becoming a nurse. Without all of the help and support from this University I wouldn't have been able to keep up with it all. One thing that I find most valuable to myself is the hallway with all of the previous Nursing graduates. When i feel like I can't do it anymore, i like to walk down this hallway to life my spirits up and realize that it can be done and I too can be on that wall if I stick with it and get all of the help I can.
Everyday we are faced with life changing decisions that we make that either make us or break us. After high school I decided to get a full time job that i "thought" I would be happy with. One day while at work I realized I could do better for myself and go to college, and that's what I did. Today I am currently finishing my first year of college. The college experience I have recieved so far has truly been life changing. I have learned to be self reliant and look after myself. In college you're on your own. Only one has the choice to succeed or fail. This reminds me of a quote a professor told the incoming freshmen durning oritentaion," college isn't about how smart you are it's about how hard you try." I'll never forget that quote because I know now as a fact of how true it is. My education is the foundation that will help me grow and accomplish all my future goals. For now all I can do is take it a day at a time and always give it my 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}.