Colorado State University-Pueblo Top Questions

What should every freshman at Colorado State University-Pueblo know before they start?


The advice I would give myself would be to make sure you are in the field that you will spend the rest of your life doing. Volunteer at a place that you may be working at in the future so that you can see what is really involved in the career path you have chosen. Do not do something that your family or friends believe you should be doing and never stop believing in yourself. Always take challenges with an open mind. Remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Know that you will not like every class that is required but you will get through it. Never be afraid to speak your mind and do not be influenced by peers. Stand your ground. Take advantage of every opportunity that is available to you. When you hit a rough patch, ask for help. Most of all take care of your health, eat right, and get plenty of exercise.


Write the scholarship essays! Write all of them, forever. It seems like a lot of work, but your friends are lame (except Lindsay). Just write them already!


I would tell myself to stay focused. Get your GPA as high as you can. Don't choose a school because of where your friends are going. Go where you want to go. Participate more in after school activities and just make memories before you go to college where things really get serious.


Do IB. Just do it. It will prepare you more than anything you will ever do for yourself. It will help you write essays and make it easier in the long run. Challenge yourself to be better than the day before and to continue improving until you have achieved what is ultimatly greatness. Just work harder and not worry about all the people around you and what they think.


Hi, Everyone go to college even if you don't think it's for you. I say this because college is how you’re going to get anywhere in life. Due to are extremely high casting society we are forced to work as hard as we can to make are lives and family's lives more tolerable to live in. To not be stressed out and struggle to live day by day. I being a teen mom statistics say I would not even make it out of High School but look at me now in my life I am a young independent single mother fresh out of high school off to a community college. Yes, it might not be exactly where I saw myself when I was a freshman but listen I made it to a good point where I can build from and further my education. Overall no matter how hard things may get for you look up and change your life for the better and think it's not just changing you’re it's also you’re future family's life as well. The decision is now in your hand.


There are no mistakes, only learning experiences. Society tells you that you must have a plan in order to succeed, this is inaccurate. They say if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. That is because even the best laid plans go astray. Some people are able to follow the traditional academic path, others must first allow themselves to live, helter skelter if necessary, before they can appreciate and dedicate themselves to scholarly pursuits. You are the latter, and that is not wrong. Have faith in yourself, you will get there when you're meant to.


Katie, we both know that college is where you're headed. I know you'll do fine in your coursees and you'll meet great people and have a wonderful time. Let me tell you the hardest part about college though, it's expensive. Our partents want to help, but they just can't. So here is my advice to you, apply for as many scholarships as you can. Work harder to get a job and save all the money you can. If I had known that I'd be in so much danger of not being able to continue toward getting my degree because of money earlier, I would have worked so much harder. I don't want you to have to go through the same stress. I want to know that financing your education is easier than what I'm going through. We're meant to go to college, promise you'll do everything you can to make that dream come true.


I would tell myself that I need to make clear goals and focus on how to obtain those goals. I was a young mother and so the most important thing I would tell myself is to wait to have children until I have completed all the tasks and goals that I set for myself regarding my education. Regarding all aspects of college life I would tell myself that the road to success is never easy but not to give up on my dreams simply because it is hard. Some of my best accomplishments have come from some of the hardest tasks I have undertook and came out on top. Know yourself and what you want out of this life. Don't go to college simply because you feel you have to. I isn't not cheap and the value of money is not a myth. What you borrow you will have to pay back. Learn how to manage money and understand the true value of the dollar. Don't get pressured into taking out a ton of loans simply because you think it's free money... it is not! Remember to take good care of yourself.


If i could go back and tell myself one thing before leaving for college i wouldnt because i would want to change a thing. I am blessed with choosing a school so far away and making all new friends. If i had to tell myself something though i would tell myself to enjoy the time that you have with all your friends because it can be taken away from you very quickly. So love the ones who love you back and dont hold back anything.


I, as a high school senior, need to understand that college should be approached in bite-sized portions. Attempting to comprehend the vast scope of prerequisites, scholarships, and academic responsibilities in one go will only stifle any motivations to achieve a form of higher learning. On a day-by-day basis, I must swallow my fears, especially my fear of success, and slowly work on the often bitter academic process. The beginning of most things in life is the usually the most difficult. Mustering the willpower to write that first sentence of a final paper, for example, is probably the most exhausting aspect of the project because it symbolizes the commitment to finishing a very arduous task. Therefore, like a good game of Jenga, my high school self needs to take things slow and make the first step to reach new heights, else our success will crumble by our impatience.