There are several different pieces of advice that I would give myself that would better prepare me for college. There is a lot of advice that I would wish to tell myself to make the transition to college a bit easier. The biggest piece of advice I’d give myself is be more organized and manage my time better. In high school it is easy to do things at the last possible minute, but in college that is not the case. The work that is required in college takes more time and effort, and it can be a bit of a shock if you are not properly prepared to manage your time well. It will pose for several late nights trying to finish homework that you won’t even remember how to do the next day because it is so late. Managing your time is a hard thing to learn, but if I could have learned it sooner, my transition into college wouldn’t have been as difficult. Also learn to be organized, as this will help with the time management, but also keep all you r schoolwork straight and easily accessible thus making college a little easier.
You dont have to go to school right away if you need some time to think about what you really want to do, it is really important to like what your doing and not hesitant about wondering if this job is meant for you... Financially it is a lot of money that is being wasted if you decide to change your major even if you just do your basics... What a lot of people dont know is that for each major they have their own amount and requirements of basics that is needed. so if you decide to change your major and the courses you have already taken are not needed for the current major you have taken, you realize that money went down the drain and for the low income it might get harder to finish school for financial reasons...So if you are very limited for financial reasons i say use the time to do some critical thinking about your career and put all effort in doing a great job in school because this is going to better your future and help with the limits of successfully finishing school financially...
If I could go back to being a senior in high school, I would tell myself to start looking at college choices really early like junior year. Also to apply to multiple colleges, not just one or two. When you are accepted to take a look at the college more deeply than just looking on the surface. Make sure you know exactly where all your classes are and also ask lots of questions. The one thing I defanitly would tell myself is to not wait until the last minute to do everything. Basically to start early when looking for colleges.
First off, I would tell myself to apply for scholarships and loans to get enough money, along with financial aid, so that I would have enough money to cover my expenses for that year of college. I would also tell me self to get all the expenses taken care of the first few weeks of school so that I would not have to worry about it during the semester.
If I could go back to when I was a high school seinor, I would have told myself to focus more on making a higher GPA, studying harder for SAT/ACT exams. I would have foucsed more on dual enrollment at the community college and aspired to complete my AA before finishing high school. I would have gotten my AA in a specific area, like accounting, or finance, if I had I know better rather than in general studies. I wasn't at the best community college, but I didn't take advantage of the resources that the school offered with counseling. I tried to do it on my own, and only ended up changing my focus of my degree over and over, and working harder. I would tell my self to set a goal, have a plan and to stick to it, but to have 1 back up plan, that would have made it to where I didn't lose any credits, but still helped with both plans. I also wished that my parents had givin better counsel, and pushed more on how having a degree would get me a much better job than my highschool diploma.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself about the freedom and the independent choices that lie ahead that will help me mold who I want to be. College will give me insight on what I want for myself as an adult and more power to do it. I can choose what and how I learn and at whatever pace makes me feel most comfortable in achieving my goals. The instructors get better at teaching, they will demand more involvement, interaction and participation, however, they will have a more defined purpose. The classes are more challenging yet also more motivating because they are in-line with my future career goals, they are faster paced. I would also tell myself to “get ready” . . . get ready to start learning, get ready to start developing my social, interpersonal, and professional skills, get ready to contribute to academia—get ready to grow
I would tell myself not to worry so much about college. It may seem scary at first because you are moving out and heading to a different city to become more of an adult. But there is no need to worry because I know you will make a lot of friends and study a lot and also learn a lot on the way. The teachers are not as scary as you thought they would be also they are actually very entertaining and know how to make you laugh. College is fun and a lot of people do not judge around here either they know college is a new experience and they are learning all sorts of new stuff also. So do not worry and relax because this a new beginning that will be full of adventures waiting to be found.
the best advice I could give myself would be too never stop hunting for scholarships and try to save up all the money I can for college because It's very difficult to attend college when you have little or no money at all.
Attending college has not only helped me to grow academically but I have grown tremendously on an emotional level. Looking back to high school, I was a very positive, outgoing person but I never had the confidence to know that I am able to make a huge difference in the world. Within the two years I have attended college, I have had major life changes. My family no longer supports me because I choose to date an African American man. I have had to push through and support myself and know that I can make it. It has been the greatest challenge of my life to find the inner strenght to pursue my dreams and never give up faith. If I had the chance to talk to myself as a high school senior I was say that no matter where life takes a you remember to always have passion and faith. Those two attributes can take you to the moon and back! Hold your head high, never ever give up, and the sky is the limit!
My campus experience is a collage of vivid encounters produced by belonging to an elite campus leadership program, opening a new campus organization and in employment by the university as an Orientation Leader. The President's Leadership Program is an academic leadership program sponsored by Colorado State University-Pueblo. They believe I can be a transformational leader who will serve Colorado and the community I live and work in. We join with local and state leaders in Colorado to resolve social issues. My class and I were so moved by the need of children living on the streets in our community, we made it our PLP junior class project about raising awareness of homeless youth in Pueblo.
Just as an artist has many color selections to fill in their picture, the diversity of people I have met in college color my life. I have taken the opportunity to start a campus organization. Working with numerous resources of the Student Activities Office offered through the campus has helped me gather a group of multicultural and international friends bringing a fresh perspective on how beautiful different cultures are. Friendships I have found here have forever left a lasting impression on my heart.