The fall 2020 acceptance rate for East Tennessee State University is 91%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Take the hard classes in high school despite how much you dislike them because with the huge work loads of high school and all the homework and just small memorizing techniques without learning, you will put alot more time with alot less quality in your work while always being supervised. It sounds ridiculous but when you are in college and are taking both harder and easier courses, that work load from highschool seems to be alot less so you can put the same amount of time in and have higher quality work because you are more relaxed, are on your own time, and all the while are working on the topic you like. Go online and look for more scholarships, there are alot out there and be persistent on obtaining the information you want for your future because once it all falls in line, you feel great and look forward to it.
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Describe the students at your school.
A lot of them are from similar backgrounds. Most are hardworking and interested in doing well in school.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
East Tennessee State University is a great school overall. The financieal aid office could be a little bit more helpful in actually offering what they say they are going to offer. The mathematics deparment has some great people in their staff and I am honored to be a part of it.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
It is very hard to deal with financial aid at this school, they are late on payments and usually mess up students aid to the point where some students do no even recieve it until the next semester.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
I think the kind of person who shouldn't attend this school is one who does not like a semi-rural college town, non-urban lifestyle, a sense of adventure, and the ability to co-exist with local people who have very deep-seated views.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Anybody looking to have a fun time at school and still learn. As i have learned from other schools, you cant always have fun and learn, but my school definitley incorporates both.
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What's unique about your campus?
The professors at this school are the most caring people I've ever met. All of them seem to want their students to do well and succeed.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
I would reccommend ETSU to prospective students if the school has their major. It is a standard college. Some of the teachers are incredible and inspiring while others are out of touch and should probably retire. The president recently retired, and a younger man with little experience will be taking his position.
The size of the school is average; classes usually have 15-30 people in them unless they are in an auditorium. Parking is limited, but a 21 million dollar parking garage is being built. Students can take the Bucshot shuttle from distant parking.
Most of my time on campus is spent in class or at my scholarship job. The library is large and full of books and computers. My computer was broken for a semester and I was able to get all my homework done in the library. It is classy and quiet.
I enjoy the outdoors and often go hiking at Buffalo Mtn., Roan Mtn., and Holston Mtn. I spent a summer working on the Nolichucky River as a raft guide. If people are interested in exploring but having the advantages of living in a town, this location is prime. Johnson City is demographically a college town, but downtown is small and although people get bucwild, the crime rate is low and the town is well-maintained.
We don't have a football team so school spirit is not necessarily through the roof.
One of the biggest controversies at the school is the smoking policy. The school is supposed to be tobacco free except in personal vehicles, but students and faculty smoke and dip on campus. I think the school should accomodate all types of students by providing ash trays or a smoking area. Smoking has almost become a sign of protest. Throwing butts on the ground is many students' way of saying "fuck your policy" as well as smoking near the entrance to a main building.
Our mascot is the buccaneer, in layman's terms, a mountain pirate. In my opinion, the school should begin calling themselves the mountain pirates.
I lived in a dorm my first year and had a meal plan. It was a complete waste of money. I recommend living off campus in the historic tree streets neighborhood next to campus. I lived there for two years in a house that was over one hundred years old. Johnson City is an excellent place to live for people who prefer a slow paced yet progressive city. ETSU has been an excellent place for me to meet like-minded people and to get the degree I need and the experience to apply my education.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
A lot of people believe that half of the school's population consists mainly of hipsters and Asian exchange students. They aren't wrong.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
That I shouldn't take all the classes that my advicer says I should. That I should Take easy classes to help get my gpa up and keep it up.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
it is a smaller campus and it gave me the oppurtunity to get out of my town and discover new places
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
East Tennessee State University is best known for its nursing program. It has the largest nursing program in all of Tennessee. Over three-hundred students apply to the school's BSN program a semester.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
That there is such a diverse student population at ETSU and people are so accepting of different people and the places they have been and will go in life.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Academics at ETSU is designed to get students jobs in their desired field. With the exception of a few, my teachers have been willing to meet me outside of class and respond promptly to emails to help me succeed. Many of the teachers are passionate about their subject and make every effort to make class interesting and well rounded. General education classes can be boring and attendance is usually lower than upper level classes. Once I began my upper level courses, my college experience changed dramatically. My teachers all know my name, except in auditorium classes, and they are mostly fair and committed. The school requires internships for many majors so that when graduation rolls around, students already have experience and connections. Students are not very competitive.
I am a Journalism major; lots of my homework is field work, not necessarily sitting at home writing papers and studying. Last semester was my favorite so far. Each week, I had a story or paper to write, photo assignments and lots of helpful criticism from my teachers. I already feel quite prepared to be a writer though I know I have much to learn.
I worked 30 hours a week while taking 18 hours of classes and 6 hours weekly at my scholarhsip job last semester. It was extremely stressful and I seriously considered quitting school. My academic advisor doubled as a life counselor and friend and helped me assess my goals and sort out issues with my family and job in one sitting. I can probably thank her for saving my career, and that is not necessarily her job. The professors and advisors that I have had have gone above and beyond their job requirements to help me. That is how I would describe academics at ETSU, committed to individual success.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
There is a big Fraternity/Sorority community around ETSU, but I would not say it's the most popular organization at the university.
I would have to say "The Well" is the most popular and biggest group on campus, not counting something like the SGA. The Well is a youth group with a building located off campus where ETSU students can come and relax, and obviously worship. It's a Christian organization, but they go out of their way to try and bring in all students. I have a friend who actually holds a special meeting for Chinese students and he translates whatever message they are having into Chinese for them.
But ETSU is not limited to that. There is also an Agnostic Group that meets on campus, and one of my friends also is a member, and they meet quite regularly as well.
There is a lot to do in Johnson City off campus, and not all of it involves drinking. There are of course your typical restaurants and pubs, but there are multiple coffee shops, theaters, shopping malls -- all the necessities a college town needs. It even has a public transportation system called "The BucShot" that travels around Johnson City with the Johnson City Transit -- and this bus system is free for ETSU students. You can wake up on a Saturday morning, hop on a bus, eat breakfast at a bagel shop downtown, get back onboard and travel to a bike shop or one of the many shopping centers. There is even a Kroger and Earth Fare located conveniently near the dormitories, allowing students without a car to just walk and pick up groceries, and come right back to campus.
Johnson City has really evolved around ETSU to accommodate the students there, and likewise, a lot of businesses come to Johnson City because they know it is a college town.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
There are a lot of big classes so that makes it difficult to establish a relationship with the proffessors. The math department is not very good and parking is a joke.
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What are your classes like?
My classes are typical college classes, and pretty much what I expected for college. Most are just about an hour and a half lecture with some sort of lab involved. I also have a lot of computer classes, since I am in the College of Business and Technology. These computer classes are challenging, because we use technology I have never used before such as Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), MatLab, etc. But the teachers are all very good at explaining things and I overall enjoy my classes. Most of my classes are a decent size of about 20 or 30 students on average. Some are big lecture classes with 100 students while others only have about 15 students. This allows for one-on-one time with the teachers and they are readily available if I ever need help with the class.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I decided to go to ETSU because that is where I'm originally from and where i wanted to go. I had been there to see the college before and seemed like a good school for me personally to succeed at and get my life back on tract to where i wanted it to be.
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Tell us about the food and dining options.
The food at ETSU isn't horrible but they do not offer a lot of variety at main meal. But on the campus they have several different fast food places ad some better healthy places that are good and handy for all students.
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Describe the dorms.
Our old dorms are really not the greatest. I stayed in a dorm for one year and it just really wasn't for me. Most of them are pretty small and there's little to no privacy. However, if you get a good roommate, you can work out a schedule and circumvent some of these issues.
The new dorms, though, are awesome. They're a lot more secure and have more privacy as well as private bathrooms. They're hard to get into, though, so if you want one of those rooms, you need to apply early!
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