Eastern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern University know before they start?


Students, make sure you know enough about yourself and what your personality is before you choose a school. I started out at a huge state college. I hated just being a number. My advisor didn't advise me correctly. I would have had to go to school for 5 years for a 4 year program if I stayed there. Now I am finishing a semester early, in three and half years. I got lost in the sea of students who just wanted to drink and party. I was focused more on doing well in school. I wanted to be around people who believed similarly in what I believed in. I wanted to find a community to be a part of instead of just feeling like I was in "grade 13". Parents, don't force your opinions on your children when they are looking for a college. Be understanding of their personality, as strange as it might seem to you. Let them decide and make their own decisions. The college they choose will hopefull turn into their new home and their new family for the next four years. Let them choose, because it will be the only chance they get.


I believe that finding the right college is extremely important. To be a part of a community on campus will help shape who you are and who you will become. Visit college campuses, talk to professors, talk to current students. Make sure that the college is affordable for your family so that it does not become a source of stress for everyone involved. To make the most of the college experience, get involved. Have fun but remember to study hard. This is your one chance. Make the most of it.


I would challenge parents to visit lots of different schools and to pay attention to the school which your child fits in best. Not fits in best socially but with the core values of the school, the extra curricular activities and the campus diversity. A student who can get involved in clubs is more likley to be kept busy (a good kind of busy) and enjoy college morethan someone who does not fit in and does not find extra curricular activites. You should also challenge your student to start defining themself and what they want in their college before they start looking so they are not swept off their feet with the good looking girls/guys of a campus and end up there when they would have a much more fullfilling experience at a more fitting college.


Make sure you agree with the colleges philosophy and and religious affiliation (if applicable). Make sure it's the right size and in the right location and has a good academic program. Make friends and socialize.


The best advice that I have to share with students and their parents about finding the right college is to search deeply and to not settle for anything less than the perfect school. The perfect school for every student is out there waiting to be found. Tour campuses, meet with professors, do personal research and discover the aspects that the student wants in a univeristy. To make the most of the college experience the best advice I can give is to get involved with the unversity cimmunity, join groups and organiations, find a job on campus, form study groups, take part in on campus activities, join a sports team , whether it be a university team or intramural, engage with classmates, and professors. It is through taking part in these activities that students makes the lasting friendships that will shape their college expereince as well as the rest of their lives.


Find a place where the environment feels right. Not just the campus environment but the surrounding area as well. Spend a night on campus if that option exists for that school because that is a great way to really get a feel for the place.


Eastern University provides students with a liberal arts education that is rooted in a Christian worldview. Students who attend Eastern are challenged to think outside of the box and beyond what their traditional training has encouraged. Many graduates find that they have been challenged in their faith, beliefs, and intellect. This has allowed some to remain rooted in these areas, and others to seek other oppurtunities. Many students find that by the end of their college career they become stronger in their perception and understanding of themselves. This is due in part by the excellent faculty and administration that are easily accessible and extremely attentive. Overall, Eastern University is a stellar Christian college that continues to challenge itself in various areas.


Before I applied to Eastern University I asked the opinions of current college students. They all responded with the same advice: VISIT AS MANY COLLEGES AS YOU CAN! Everyone told me I would know when I was on the right campus...and they were right! As soon as I stepped foot on Eastern's campus I knew that I belonged there. As far as making the most of your college experience- DON'T BE SHY! Everyone is experiencing college for the first time which makes for an awesome way to bond with fellow students. Don't be afraid to approach people, and don't be afraid to try new things. College is a time to discover, and reinvent yourself. You can do anything you want to, and should! You'll only be in school for four years, and you wouldn't believe how fast it goes by. Taking the time to find out what kinds of groups and organizations your school offers is well worth the effort. Lastly, don't waste too much time stressing about your major or financial problems. Everything will come together, and worrying about those types of issues can distract you from great opportunities!


Choose the right college for you. Perhaps start off at a community college to save money, then transfer. Live on campus, meet new people and decide to make deep friendships rather than passing party friends. Study and read, making the most of this great opportunity to learn all that you can. Don't drink. Decide to make school your priority, lasting friendships second. Choose a school where the professors know your name and the administrators at least know your face. Choose to find yourself during college, not letting other people decide for you who you are. Room with someone new.


Go where it feels right.