Eastern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern University know before they start?


Most students stress about finding the perfect college. Unfortuneately the perfect college does not exist. Every student has their own opinions about what makes it perfect. The advice I gave to my brother while he was looking for schools was to find a school with options. Options on different majors that were of interest to him, of activities and oppourtunites, of internship and career placements, and options for social networks. Most college students change their mind about their major and end up at a school that no long reflects their goals. So finding a school that has a few strong departments they are interested in is key to staying happy with their choice. Once the carloads of belongings are unloaded from the car and tearful goodbyes have ended it is crucial for students to get involved. Belonging to the commnity in a purposeful way gets students connected with one another and brings a sense of pride for their school. Students should contribute to the school to which they are receiving their education from. Getting involved in activities introduces students to people from different walks of life who can open their eyes to a world they were never aware of before.


The most important advice that I could give to students who are searching for the right College is to explore every option available. There is no reason to choose a school for one reason and needing to scarifice other wants or needs. By being intentional and active in searching for a college, it is possible to find a college or university that suits the student's wants and needs. Once a student is attending that perfect school, the most vital advice I can give is to get involved on campus. Join clubs and organizations, try out for a sports team or play intramural sports. While academics are definitely important, what shapes a student's college experience are the experiences that are had and the bonds of friendship that are formed.


I would tell the parents to be supportive of whatever school your child chooses. They know what type of school they want and know when they have found the school they want to attend. I would encourage students to take their time choosing a college becasue that is where you are going to be for a couple years. Pick a school that best suits your personality. To make the most of your college experience try to be outgoing and involved. People in your school will except you for who you are.