Eastern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern University know before they start?


Finding the right college can be really difficult, and I think that sometimes parents put a lot of pressure on their children to find the right school. I think my best advice for the parents would be to try and give helpful advice to your kids, but to remember to try not to pressure them into choosing a certain school, and to remember that you won't be attending this school for the next four years- your child will. So, students, make sure you choose a school that you know you will feel comfortable at, not one that your parents will feel comfortable if you go there. Future students: the best thing you can do to make the most of your college experience is to get involved in something on campus. It will not only help you make a lot of friends, but it will get you out of your room and around campus to enjoy a lot of different things!


I would advise them to look at a LOT of schools, and don't make your mind up until you've been to each school. If money is an issue, make sure you know how much your scholarship/financial aid will actually cover. Take all your general Ed courses first, so you have time to decide what you want to major in, and also, so that you don't end up taking classes you won't need. Get Federal Work Study! CLEP out of stuff when you can, it will save you tons of time and money! (This also goes for AP exams, they are not only cheaper than CLEP tests, but can offer more credit towards your college education.) Stay over night at colleges so you know what campus life is like before you go there!


When looking for a place to be educated, consider every aspect of what it really means to learn. Education is far more than classes and books. Those are significant, but don't just weigh academics. Go for the whole picture. Choose a place that is going to meet you where you are and challenge you to find and be who you want to be. There is nothing quite as rewarding as becoming a holistic person and thriving in an environment that allows you to reach your fullest potential. There are many exceptional schools in this country, and several of them may even be good choices for you personally. But choose one that feels right, and then make the decision to put your whole self into becoming a whole learner, wherever you are.


I would tell the parents and students to not only read up on the college but to visit the school. Spend a day there with the students who attend the university. I would recommend they meet with people in their desired major, not just a counselor who can say anything to make the school sound great. I would tell them to volunteer, to remember that there's a world out there waiting for them after they graduate. What one does in college will affect how one acts in the world, whether they like it or not. By choosing the "right" college, they are already taking that first step. Good luck.


Although academics are important, they are not the only element of your education that you need to be aware of when you are selecting a school. I personally believe it is more important to find a school where you feel you will grow as a person. The school should provide you with the opportunities and experiences to help you discover who you are and what your place in the world is. It should help you to constantly make yourself a better member of your community and realize that you are a part of a global world and that your actions make an impact in the lives of others. College is not just a time for book smarts, but a time to focus on self discovery and finding out what makes you feel like you are making meaningful contributions to society. Chose a school where you feel you will be nutured and helped by professors, peers, and programs. I place so much more value on the woman I am becoming, than on the grades I am receiving.


In order to find the perfect college for you I think it is really important to find a college that will stretch you and help you grow the most. Find a college that will allow freedom of thought, yet goes along with your basic beliefs and needs.


I think one of the best things that you can do while looking for a college to attend is to visit it. When you visit don't just do the campus guided tour. Ask to sit in on a class or two. You should ask to meet the professors too. A lot of campuses have programs were they will house a prospective student over night. Take advantage of those opportunities. Learn what campus living is all about first hand before you enroll. You should also ask what extra cirriculars are avaible too. Talk to someone who is currently enrolled in the degree program you are interested in. They will be able to give you the best insight on what classes to take, what they are like, if there are internships or externships availble, or if studying abroad is an oppotunity for you. There are always funds availble from somewhere to pay for your education. Do not let the price of the educational insituition scare you away. One of the things most important things is to make sure you are comfortable where you are. Visit and revisit.


Be open minded but discerning. College is a place to challange your beliefs and a place to strengthen them. The ability to ask questions is the basis for success in college. Whether it be for understanding of a hard concept or to participate in a topic of discussion, the willingness to be open and honest with others and yourself will lead you to success.


When looking for the right college you have to be honest with yourself. A lot of people like your parents and your friends are going to have a say in you choice but at the end of the day you have to go there for four years, so you shoudl visit the school. I strongly suggest you sit through a class to see the class size, the style of teaching, hang out at the school to get a feel of the social life, and go where you think you can learn best. A lot of times kids go go party school to drink and have fun but that is not what college is about, college is a place where you can take your education on a higher level. That is why you should pick a school that will help you focus and learn at the best to your ability. SO when you pick a school be honest with yourself so you can be on the way to mold your future.


Start early!! Start researching colleges and visiting campuses your sophomore/junior year so that you can take your time and not make a rushed decision. Ask LOTS of questions; write them down so you don't forget. When you've decided on your top choices, fill out the applications CAREFULLY and stay on top of DEADLINES! Don't be afraid to ask your English teacher for editing help when writing the application essay. Once you're on campus, get involved in something. It doesn't matter what, as long as it's something you enjoy. This will help you to meet people, make friends, and lessen homesickness. Keep the door to your room open as often as possible, only closing it to do some serious studying. An open door will encourage your fellow students to stop in and visit. Finally, stay on top of your assignments. Make a monthly syllabus of your assignments, due dates, and what you will accomplish each day to complete the assignment on time. This will make life a lot less stressful, ensure college success, and will develop a great life skill habit at the same time.