Florida State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Florida State University know before they start?


If I could give myelf some words of wisdom regarding college, I would have a couple of things to say. The first thing would be to not get carried away with your new found freedom. When you move away to college, your parents are no longer watching over your shoulder, and this fact can cause you to go a little overboard with parties and other social gatherings. It's more than likely you will get carried away with all that your school can offer, so it's doubly important to keep your focus. The second thing regarding the transition from home life to college life. When you're living at home, most people have their own room, so moving into a 10'x15' room with another person can sometimes be difficult, especially if you don't get along with this person. To overcome something like this, you have to make the space in your room your own by personalizing it to your liking. This will make your room more comfortable and homely. If I had someone to tell me this helpful information before I went away to college, it would have made the transition much smoother.


The advice I would give my high school self would be to learn how to study and use time management in high school. Once your in college trying to learn these habits is so challenging because you are trying to adjust to life on your own, and trying to meet new people that learning study habits becomes a real problem. Also, I would tell myself to go to class. When you go to class the professor sometimes tells you questions that will be on the exam. Get out and meet people. Go to the lounge of your dormitory hall and meet some of the people who are constantly going in and out of there. Communication with your roommate is also very important so the two of you can have a peaceful first year. Study, you are at school to learn, but also have a good time. Kick back and relax every once and a while. Take advantage of the free things, because you will learn how valuable free things are to you.


Give up. Don't even try. The past four years you skim by, succeeding by the skin of your teeth and you assume that college is going to be the same way. You have a rude awakenin coming your way. Studying isn't just an option in college, its a necessity. Hanging out with friends isn't a priority, its a privilege. Many people say that high school is a preparation for high school. If this is the case, than you have failed the prep course. This isn't what you may think high school was. It's not a place your parents put you when they are off to work. Its a place where you shape your future. You dictate you success in college. Facebook shouldn't be your means of communication to others: emails to your teachers should. Start achieving great things here in college while you can. Use it as practice for college because in college there is no room for failure.


Do not be afraid of getting involved in college. It may seem over whelming at first, especially if you're attending a large university, but everyone else is going through the same initial shock along side of you. Take advantage of the clubs and organizations offered by the college. You will find it so much easier to make friends this way. By choosing clubs you enjoy, I can guarantee you will find you have a lot in common with its members. Becoming involved with in the school is the quickest way to making new friends and giving you activities to do. Never let yourself become bored or lonely; The transition into college life seems so much harder that way. But you should always remember that when the going gets tough it is okay to call home to be reminded how proud your decisions have made everyone, and to realize just how loved you are.


My transition from high school to college was definitely a wake call for me in many ways. My words of advice to myself would have been to develop better study habits and management of my finances. When I was in high school I could study the night before a test and do very well on it. Those days are definitively over now that I?m in college. Now it?s all about communicating more with my professors, study groups, and tutoring services if needed. Also looking back I realized how nice I had it at home such as free food/rent, money to buy clothes, and I didn?t have to pay for classes nor books. Again, those days are definitively over now that I?m in college. Now it?s all about managing my own finances and developing a budget each semester. I?ve opened up a checking account to simplify the tracking of my college expenses. It?s amazing how my account can look so big in the beginning of the semester and shrink so quickly by the end of it. It?s like what everyone says it?s all about balancing what is important.


Goodmorning William! Rise and shine buddy. No, this isn't a dream and don't even think about yelling for Mom 'cause I know you were. Turns out that in the future you'll apply for a scholarship which will help pay for your education, but upon hitting the submit button it will instead magically transport you back in time. Yeah, like Michael J. Fox, I suppose. Here's the deal, I can't divulge where you matriculate (it's good for you to sweat it out a bit longer anyway), but you do stay stubborn enough to complete your double-major, English and History like you told everyone you would. Let me cut to the chase, since you have 1st period in 45minutes: when you get to college, stay in touch with our high school friends but be willing to meet new people and invest in their lives, from the dorms to the classroom. Second, continue focusing on community service--you know why it's important, but you may be surprised by personal benefits one day (a nice girl perhaps?). Finally, trust that everything happens for a reason. Ahh, I'm starting to disappear! Kidding. See you soon William!


If I could go back in time I would first and foremost tell myself, "You are going to absolutely love college!" I would proceed with the promise that the random busy work is almost through and the only college homework given is truly meant to help you. I would remind myself to stay positive on surviving through the boring highs chool classes for studying subjects of interest with highly trained professionals is waiting for you just around the corner. I also would tell myself to visit with my family and friends from home a little more because you are going to miss them very dearly. Homesickness is inevitable though your wonderful new friends are there to help you every step of the way! I would assure myself that applying for a random roommate was a wonderful decision and now you have a great lifelong friend. Oh and most importantly, do not be afraid to put yourself out there and join student organizations. Trust me, you won't regret it!


Many people learn by making mistakes. So sometimes, its beneficial to fail, as one can learn much more from their failures. But the biggest piece of advice I would give my high school senior version of myself is to be ambitious, and to not be affraid to challenge myelf. Many people are nervous their first year of college, and often rightfully so. However, I've found that if one is willing to put in the time and effort, they can achieve just about anything. I would assure myself to choose the hardest and most interesting major I could, and to register for the hardest classes. There is no reason to be affraid. As long as you stay focused and on track, nothing can bring you down. I would tell myself to take all the extra-curriculars that I want to take. Don't be affrad of what you do not know. Rise up and be ambitious, or else you will never get anywhere in life.


If only i could go back to my senior year! With what i know today i would've definetly prepared myself for college. College is very expensive.... and i should've listen to my parents when they began saying "SEARCH FOR SCHOLARSHIPS". It's not easy finding the funds necessary to pay for my education. Because senior year is the last year of high school i was very focused on the school spirit aspect instead of focusing on the educational aspect. I was dual enrolled and took 2 A.P classes but i wish i would have taken advantage of the A.P program at my school. Not only does it give you a head start in college, it saves SO MUCH MONEY! The cost of classes and books is outrageous, and that could have been a extra thousand dollars in my pocket for school. There's one more piece of advice i would give myself, and that is to VOLUNTEER. Yes i did volunteer, but i only satisfied the minimum amount required for my diploma. I love helping people and wish i was involved more in my community. If only i knew back then what know today!


To get involved immediately, volunteer often, focus more on academics.