Gannon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gannon University know before they start?


I would tell myself to not put so much pressure on myself. My freshman year I focused too much on school and not on being involved in campus life and that is one thing that I really do regret. I would tell myself to stay focused on school but to not let it run your college experience.


As a high school senior I was reserved, had a small circle of friends, and was from a high school with 39 students in my senior class. To me, college was such a big place, and 4,000 people on a campus seemed overwhelming. I was still deciding what I wanted my major to be, and felt like a child worried about making friends again. Well, now that I have spent 3 years on Gannon's campus, I can look back and say: friendships come naturally if you look in the right places. As a freshman, your best ally is your roommate, but it's also healthy to branch out and become involved in 1 or 2 extra curricular organizations that you love. I can honestly say that joining Chorus and Students for Life really helped me to branch out and meet some of my best friends. These activities also became an outlet that helped me to find a balance for the rigors of academic life. I am still going strong in the 3+3 Physical Therapy Program and could not have been more blessed with friendships. You just have to stay positive and dive into the unknown!


keeping an open mind when looking at andvisiting schools. Thereis a lot that a school can offer if you are willing to get involved.


The advise that i would have gaven myself if I was back in high school would have been to learn more study patterns, to learn how to seperate my study sessions from my social life and cheer life. Once in college it does get more difficult to manage work, school and cheer so i would have told my self to put more effort in seperating it all and leaving enough time to do eveything ahead of time instead of trying to cram everything in little time. Another advise I would have gaven myself would have been to be more social with students, to participate in school sports or even activites to go into college without being scared to participate in activities. As well as to not be to afraid to meet new people. A huge advise I would have gaven myself would have been to apply for scholarships ahead of time.


Take advantage of all that is available to you. This is a time when resources are more readily available to you and you have more time to deal with things. Not only are you in a familiar environment but you have immediate support from your family and friends. Don't take this for granted. Appreciate every moment. Explore all of your options. College is expensive, try to go in knowing as much as possible. You'll do well in school and adapt to your surroundings and situations more quickly. Once you're in college you are, to an extent, cut off from all that you are familiar with. Become aware of your new habitat and try to know all the possible routes to the places you will be going because if you dont then you will only know one way and you will get lost with just one wrong turn. Establish a routine. It's easier to manage your time when youre on a schedule, this also helps you to be able to get more rest. Know where to go for different emergencies. Scope out the options and pick at least three good places to shop. Keep a journal.


If I could go back and give myself advice about college, I would tell myself to try and walk on to the volleyball team because volleyball is a sport that I love and it is always worth the shot. Also, I would tell myself to go into college open minded. There are so many new people to meet and can learn from so put on a smile and talk to everyone that comes in your path becasue you never know what they can offer to you. Lastly, I would advise myself to take up more opportunities that Gannon gives to their students. You can always get someone good out of every opportunity that is given to you and you never know, it might sparke up sometime else for you while you are at it.


I would go back in time and tell myself to first settle on a major before looking at any schools. I would then determine if I would like to play a sport in college. From there I would start attending college fairs, talking to teachers and college graduates and looking at schools online. I would then tell myself to do college visits and fill out applications -early! Before going on the visits make a list of what you would like to see in the school and then immediately after the visit, write down all of the positives and negatives. After all of this is done take into consideration the lists and think about which school stood out to you and 'just felt right'. I would also tell myself to make sure the school I am leaning towards is a good enough distance away from home to be on my own, but close enough to visit. I would also make certain that there is a night life aspect, sports team aspect as well as several activities and events to do on campus to keep busy and involved.


If I could go back and talk to my high-school self, I would say that it is important to come into college with an open mind and willingness to participate in every club or activity offered. College is a great opportunity to meet new people, make connections and try new things! There are so many resources presented to new students at college and it would be foolish not to take advantage of them. Sign-up, give it a try and the worst that can happen is that you find out that you don't like it. Along the way, you are bound to meet new people who will open your eyes to new life perspectives. In today's world, that it so key; too many people are close minded and unwilling to adapt. Take adavantage of new adventures!


If i were able to go back in time and give myself advice about college, the first thing i would tell myself is to study. College is nothing like high school and your professors arent going to babysit you or hound you about turning in your homework or studying for an upcoming test. The paste is fast and if you dont do what you have to do you'll be left behind. The next thing i would tell myself is to get involved, open up. When you get involved your expierience in college will be a whole lot better then if you were to just stay to yourself. The last piece of advice would be to live on campus. Even though it is more expensive, living on campus will get you involved, it is more convient and less stressful on you because it less things you have to worried about compared to living at home.


I would tell myself not to take advantage of the free time that I have because there is always something to do. Whether it is studying, reviewing notes, doing homework or getting ahead there is always work to be done. This is a great use of time management so I do not get behind in the future. With that being said I would also tell myself not to go into college with clenched fists doing nothing but school work all day long. I would tell myself to get involved right away and join different clubs and organizations as well. It is good it be a well rounded person and make connections and friendships with other students. It's good to develope good social skills and have a good background in working with different people in different enviornments along with holding leadership positions.