Gannon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gannon University know before they start?


High school was a breeze, but it can never truly prepare yourself for college, you will be tested, mentally and emotionally but do not give up. Life has thrown you curve balls, but do not give up, just because you take more time to understand things does not mean you are any less intelligent than anyone else. Always strive and keep trying, do not ever lose sight of your dreams.


I would tell myself to simply be more open. College offers a lot of opportunities and the people in college are nothing like the kids in high school. I would have told myself to be involved in activities outside of the classroom and be open to making new friends instead of going to class and then going straight home. I would have prepared a lot better for college and I would have enjoyed my first semester so much more if I knew how cool people in college really were.


One of the best parts of growing up is the fact that all experiences provide the oppurtunity to learn. If I could go back in time and tell my high school self any advice I would for sure tell myself to explore career options and shadow professionals in interested fields. I was not exposed to many careers that I had later been interested while in college. As a result of this, I felt confused with no clear direction of a career path which added stress and uncertainty. I think it is very important to educate yourself about the many options and see them first hand. When I had finally made my career choice, it was after I had spent over 100 hours shadowing a physical therapist in an inpatient setting. Had I known this before starting school I could have attended a direct acceptance program. Regardless, I am happy with how my college career had unfolded, but if I had researched career options before attending college I could have avoided a lot of stress. Because of this, I encourage my younger friends and family to explore their options to set themselves up for success!


I would say stay true to yourself and do not let anyone or anything come between you and the education you are pursuing. You make the rules of your life and if anyone cannot accept that than let them go.


i would give myself the advice to go and search for scholarships sooner so i could have a better chance at attending my dream school, Berklee School of Music.


Nichole, I know this is going to be different for you. You've always been close with your family and now you're looking at going four hours away to go to school. You shouldn't be scared or worried; this is actually going to be one of the best decisions you will make. I know you enjoyed high school, but just wait for college. You might just have three hours of school a day! You shouldn't be afraid of losing Rachel either. She will always be your best friend no matter where you go or what you do. You will also find friends for life at Gannon. Don't be afraid to meet new people and get involved. You never know where it can take you. Be strong, confident, and stay with your beliefs. You will do just fine. Make "Be There" one of your life sayings and live by it. Be there in every moment physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And don't forget to make some memories too. P.S. don't date the guy you're considering dating in the first two weeks, it didn't turn out well. Love, Nichole




I would tell myself to not stress so much about being able to get through college. It is easy to make friends and acclimate to the college type workload. You do have to study more but everyone else at college has to study just as much so it makes it easy to study in groups. Get involved as much as possible. This will help the transition become more enjoyable and this will help make more friends. Get a job on campus to help with the cost of books and food. College is a big change but it only takes a couple weeks until it just seems like regular school. College is enjoyable as long as you can manage your time.


Advide i would give to myself was to be open minded and not be so anxious about the first semester of college. Although, everyone is usually nervous, the experience is never as harsh as it seems to be.


The advice I would give my self would be to learn to manage my time better. College puts all the responsibility on the student, which I knew before I went to college, but it didn't realize how much time was required to study for each class. Managing time wisely is a key component to succeeding in college.