Gannon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gannon University know before they start?


As a high schooler, many think that they are experiencing the times of their lives. At times, kids think that their actions and grades do not matter. Well, they do matter. Everything matters in college. Making the transition to college and the different atmosphere took awhile to get used to. I do not even know if I have totally adjusted to the life as a college student yet. There are many pieces of advice I would give myself if I was still a senior. First, living by yourself may seem great at first, but it is hard when you do not have your mom or dad to help with laundry, food, and daily things. Just call them and ask. Next, professors are not like high school teachers. They go at super speed, they never stop unless they have time, and they are hard to get to know. If you do not take time out of your schedule to go see them than they will not get to know you. In addition, I feel as if you make the effort with your teachers it will pay off in the end. The most important thing is to work hard and study constantly.


I would tell myself take as many advance placement class as i can during high school, also takes as many math class as i can, give myself good base background before attending college. And English is my second language, as up today, i still have language problem, if i have a chance to go back as a high shcool senior again, i would tell myself to learn more English words because at that time i have more time avaliable doing my own things other than schoolwork.


Try to get a good scholarship that would pay for most of the college expenses as it can get very expensive (tuition, books, housing...). When you choose a career to pursue, try to talk to a few poeple who persued this career before as they might have some valuable information for your success. College will require much more studying than high school, be prepared for that from day one, as every day you slack off will be tough to make up.


If I could go back in time I would advise myself to save more money. I wanted to attend classes on campus, but instead I was irresponsible and did not save enough money to live on my own. I am now living with my parents, taking classes online, and working two jobs in order to make payments to Herzing. Graduation money should be used for college, and college only!


I would suggest that you stay focused and you figure out what you want to do with your life. You need to put forth all the effort possible and must learn to go out of your way to succeed. It will all pay off in the end, and you must take the smallest opprotunities into consideration. I would put school and studying before anything! I wouldnt let anyone get in my way and I would suggest to manage my time and extra-curricular activites alot better and more precise.


I would tell myself to start saving money because once you get past buying all of your books, random expenses show up and they can be quite costly. The other piece of advice I would give myself is to appreciate the family and friends I have now. Once you get to college it is hard to stay in contact with everyone so take advantage of the precious time you have with them now while you still can. Also start tracking down scholarships during your junior and senior year because they are very important especially when it comes to paying off your balance.


I would tell myself that anything is possible. If there is a subject that you had a tough time with in high school you will be able to do well with it in college. College work takes time, dedication, and perservance. If you are willing to put the effort into your work you will excell and do get the good grades that you set out to get. I would also tell myself not to be intimidated with college and the large class sizes. Professors are always willing to help and they are there to promote you doing the best that you can do. My motto for college is, "The sky is the limit, you can do anything you set your mind to!" That is what I live my everyday to be the best student that I can be and to achieve my goal in becoming a Physician Assistant.


If I could go back and talk to myslef I would express how important it is to not procrastinate on doing your homework, do not put it off until the last minute. Always use that extra time for studying and if you need help ask a teacher or go see a tutor. The faculty and staff at the Fort Scot Community College are really good about helping the students if they are ever in need. I would also tell myself to save money , college is expensive when your paying out of pocket. I would also say it is a different transition from high school to college but it is worth it. Don't be scared to take that next big step in your life. It happens for a reason and change turns out o be a good thing. This is just another stepping stone in your life, so take it and succeed in all you do. There is never and obstacle to big to handle. You work through it and come out on top.


Some words of advice that I would give myself would be to not be afraid. Although the whole process of going to college seems very scary at first, in reality there are plenty or people out there willing to help you if you need it. The University staff are very friendly and understanding if you are new to college. I would tell myself not to stress out too much about finances, because the financial aid office is always very willing to help you find the best way for you to afford school, because they want you to be able to afford your education. Most of all, do not be afraid of the professors. They want you to see you succeed as much as you do, and as long as you do your work and study hard, they will be willing to go above and beyond to help you achieve your goals. Finally, I would tell myself that there was no reason to have so much anxiety and fear, because overall it is a wonderful experience that will help you grow not only academically but as a person as well.


Advice I would give to myself as a high school senior preparing for college would be to start preparing ealry. Applying, going, and packing for college takes a lot longer than you think it will and the earlier you start the better. Also, if your school doesn't send you a list of all the supplies you're going to need for college, then google a list, because there are things you won't even think about that you'll definitely want to bring with you. Start shopping for supplies once you get accepted. Just buy an under the bed storage container, which you'll need, and start filling it with all the things you'll need. Oh, and before you start buying big pieces of furniture, take in to considertation the size of your room, and the types of things your roommate wil be bringing. Most importantly, enjoy senior year, take embarassing pictures, and go to prom. Because when they say college changes everything, they're being honest, it does. Being independent and doing your own laundry is a lot more work then you think. And do your mom a favor, say thanks, for everything.