I grew up in a rough inner city neighborhood going to Gannon University granted me the oppotunity to meet people from different backrounds. Meeting people form different geographical and socio-economical backrounds helped in my personal development. Ultimatley this opportunity taught me better interpersonal skills and gave me an escape from the crime and violence that happens on a daily occurance where i grew up. Seeing people achieve success from different walks of life motivated me to never quit when faced with adversity and gave me the confidence to pursure a masters degree. I also met the love of my life at Gannon who came from the completely opposite backround ; meeting her taught me that the way people are living in my old neighborhood wasn't an acceptable way of life and that through education I can overcome any adversity, achieve success, and some day use my it to have a positive impact in my community.
i think it has been a great experience so far during my college experience. you get to meet people you never would met. You start to come out of your shell and talk to people and do things you never would have done otherwise. The activities that they have here are exciting to attend. they have things for everyone no matter what you are interested in. If i never went on the freshman retreat i never would have met three of my best friends. If i didn't come here to gannon i wouldn't be hanging out and talking to my best friend. I have gotten involved in the habitat for huimanity here on campus where we help people re-build their homes. I am a mentor for junior high kids with problems through CHAMPS. I am so happy that i chose gannon and that i have been getting so involved while i have been here. Everyone should get the college experience because not only will it help you succeed in life in the long run but it will have been a great experience for you personally, i can garentee you that.
I have always wanted to go to college,i understand that being a college student comes with a lot of responsibilities. throughout my college experience so far i learned how to responsibe and this is valuabe to me because i know this is going to determine my future and my main goal of college is to get the education i need for my future career.
I have gotten a tremendous about of self worth and work ethic while getting my undergrad at Gannon University. Gannon taught me to enrich my life with positive activites, diveristy, and challenges.
While at Gannon I learned that self worth can change your perspective on life. I went to Gannon at first because I had to go to college, but through the professors, and volunteer programs I realiezed why I needed to be there. I learned that by putting my needs and opinons in perspective that I would be a positive assets to those around me.
At Gannon my work ethic was enriched. I learned to balance going to school full time, working full time and volunteering in the Erie community. By being able to handle all three aspects I have developed a extremly strong work ethic.
In closing I have grown as a person because of my positive expierences at Gannon and am thankful for being expected to such a wonderful school.
Being a Junior, I still have one more year left at Gannon University, which saddens me because I've enjoyed every moment of my college career and don't want it to end so soon. But all good things must come to an end, but it's not so bad because I know Gannon has prepared me well for the job world, and has taught me valuble lessons and morals to use in life. My college experience has been extremely valuable to me on many levels. I love the friends that I've made, the classes I've been able to take, and the ability to always have something to do. There is never a dull moment on campus. Gannon offers so much, whether it's clubs, organizations, fraternities, sororities, or extra curricular activities. Almost every student is involved in something. I am involved in so much and the clubs I am in mean a lot to me. I love the atmosphere this place gives off and it makes me look forward to school every semester. I know I have increased my knowledge & learning abilities here and that I'm going to continue to do so throughout the remaining semesters.
I have always given more importance to gaining knowledge than marks. Engineering is one field where practical know-how is more important than acquiring a degree for name sake. Thus my true ability stands above my marks and marks are not reflection of my potential in Electronics. As a student in the final year of undergraduate study, I desire to pursue M.S. degree and look to refine my knowledge and skills to pursue research in my field of interest.
College has given me experience in being on my own, making my own choices and setting my own goals. I have gained experience in planning my short term and long term schedule. I must complete projects on a timely basis and work with others to make those projects a success. I have learned to take responisbility for my actions. I have to balance academic requirements with social activities and athletic commitments. I have gained experience in working with people from diverse backgrounds. I have gained knowledge in a field that I found interesting when I was in high school and now want to make my career.
If I had not attended this college, I feel that I would not be the more mature and responsible person that I am today.
I have always loved to learn and I believe that we learn in every experience that we have throughout our lives. College has not only helped me learn more about the subjects I have studied, but also more about myself and my capabilities. There have been so many of my teachers who have pushed me to dig down deeper and give more of myself in my work. To not just settle for average or satisfactory, but push further for excellence. My college experience has made me broaden my views of myself and what I am capable of accomplishing, not only in life but also academically. After serving ten years in the Navy, I would have never imagined that college would be such an enlightening experience that I would enjoy as much as I do.
After attending college for four years, I have learned so much valuable information that will help me succeed in graduate school and when I start my career as a physcial therapist. As I have went through the past four years, I have noticed a change in the person that I was before I started college and the one that graduated this past May. I have become a more well rounded individual because of all the activities that I was involved in, which allowed me to see the points of views from other people that belonged to the same organizations as I did. By becoming more open-minded it made me sit back and look at the fact that as a community we need to more opened to everyone around us and welcome everyone as though they are just like us. The academics that were offered allowed me to compete with my fellow classmates to keep my grades up in order to secure my spot for graduate school. Learning to compete with academics will help prepare me when it comes to job applying after graduate school and I am trying to beat out other possible candidates for a job I desire.
There are not many opportunities provided to students in today's world in which they can enter into a small academic environment and be provided with a big time school experience. Located in downtown Erie, PA the small campus of Gannon University offers a culturally diverse experience without having to sacrifice the extra thousands of dollars to afford it. The University has a wide range of majors that attract people from all over the world to their small section of western PA. The school not only offers a range of academic programs but always focuses on supporting their many athletic programs as well. And if that isn't enough to keep you busy the school is home to thriving Greek community including 6 fraternities and 5 sororities to keep you engaged once your schoolwork is done. One of the biggest things I took away from my time as an undergraduate at Gannon was the quality of the friendships I made not only with the fellow students but the faculty as well. These friendships will last a lifetime and help me on my journey into the professional world.