If I could back to when I was a high school senior and give myself advice, I would tell myself not to second guess. I have a bad habit of second guessing myself, and changing my mind a lot, I am too indecisive. I was accepeted to Gannon right away but did not accept until 2 days before classes started because I was planning on going somewhere else. I now realize I made the right decision by coming here. I would tell myself to save all the hassel, the money, and filling out applicatiions because Gannon University is where I am supposed to be. I would also tell myself not to slack off in highschool, it is a lot easier than college. I realize now that if I would have recieved better grades, I could of saved a lot more money and been in a better financial situation right now. All in all, I would tell myself to go with the flow, work harder, and be confident!
If I could go back and give myself as a high school senior advice, I would first say relax. College will get stressful but do not let the stress over take you. I would tell myself to join many clubs and participate in any on campus events to help meet new people in the first few weeks of school. Do not assume your roommate is going to be your best friend- you will never be best friends with anyone you live with. Study hard but also take time for fun. Apply for scholarships and be proactive with applying for work study jobs because the less you have to pay now the better. You're going to grow away from your high school friends, it is a fact of life; however, you will make up for that with new friends. Enjoy every minute of college because the years will fly and you will never get them back.
My advise to my self would be not to take life too seriously. Enjoy every momment you can and learn from every mistake. I would tell myself that college is not about completing a degree, but learning and exploring within and outside ourselves. I would tell myself that it is not important to finish in four years or to only take classes pertaining to one's program. It is more important to explore all the avenues, so that you can find one aspect, topic or subject that "lights you up" and motivates you; allowing you to become a better person and contribute positively to the world. When we are younger we have more time to explore different aspects of life and getting a really good job right out of college is not as important as, enjoying the job you want to get, and doing the things that make you happy. There is a lot to be said for students who go to school because they want to not because they have to. Be a student that has the desire and passion to study and help make the world a better place.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would tell myself to focus on my studies. I would warn myself, that Unviersity is very serious, and that you cannot get by easily like I thought. I would tell myslef in order to focus more, to better balance my school and my extra curricular activities.
Autumn, buy laundry detergent. Halfway through the year your roommate will realize you’re stealing hers and goes on a politeness crusade. Through jaw breaking fake smiles and passive aggressive tactics, she will make you regret the day you ever picked hers up. Second, try to be more bold. I know you are a shy person, but there is more to life then sitting in your dorm all day and staring out the window. Third, study every night, no matter how tired you are. And last, but not least, get help. You've struggled with and been ashamed of your depression for seven years. That's a long time to hide. And now its time to let the truth out. In college, people are more understanding. There are counselors who will help you through the crippling pain and sadness. There are people who will understand that you can't help but cry yourself to sleep because you feel worthless and undesirable. Depression is not your fault, you are not weak for seeking help, and people will not hate and look down at you because you take medication. Everything is going to get better. I promise.
Just because you can do well without working hard doesn't mean you shouldn't give it your all anyway. Performing well without effort is not nearly as gratifying as performing well with heart and discipline.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior student I would tell myself to focus more on the SAT's and ACT's. I would explain that if I scored higher I would receive a full scholarship to Gannon University. My current self would make sure my past self was aware that graduating valedictorian would not be enough to guarantee the education I desire. I would encourage myself to save more money from my part-time job to help pay for all the unexpected expenses that every student incurs.
I have learned so much from Gannon. I am currently a sophomore, but I have already experienced and learned from many situations. I have had roommate conflicts where I had to overcome issues and make decisions based on what was best for my educational experience. In this regard I have learned that any situation that prohibits you from concentrating on your education is one you should remove yourself from. I also have a work study job which forces me to obtain a successful balance of work, school, and leisure. I attend Gannon because of its great Occupational Therapy program. I take my education very seriously, especially because of how much debt I am putting myself in. I know that it is all worth it because of the life lessons and the knowledge I am obtaining. Thus far, Gannon is doing a great job in preparing me for a successful career and life after college, which is of the utmost value. Gannon has taught me that above all, I should never give up on myself and my goals. Even during hard times, I should believe in myself and work hard to obtain the education that I came here to get.
As a re-entering adult I went back to school for a career strong in science, something I would never have thought I would do when I was a high school student. I've discovered I love learning and I can learn anything. Attending college for a worthwhile carreer has been a real confidence booster. I'm learning to stay organized, try new expiernces and have found that I like learning for the pure pleasure of it rather than just working to get an 'A.' I actually want to know and retain all this information when I'm finished with college. I'm working hard and really looking forward to a rewarding career.
College has provided me with so many new opportunities. First of all, my school is really far away from home which was a big change for me. It has helped me to grow and mature as an individual and has also helped me become much more independent. College has definitely been valuable to attend because has allowed me to expand my horizons through all of the community service activities and opportunities provided. I have learned a lot through these experiences and feel like I have really helped to make a difference in the city of Erie. I also have been able to get involved with activities outside of my major that have allowed me be involved in things that I have always enjoyed doing but did not have the chance to do in high school. For example, I have always loved to plan events so I am involved with the Activities Programming Board on campus which has allowed me to put my interests to good use. I have also learned quite a bit from the board in terms of leadership skills which I will be able to apply to my career and other areas of my life.