As a high school senior, I could definitely feel a strong case of senioritis coming on and my heavy class schedule did not make the senioritis any better. I basically doubled up on science classes (Physics and Anatomy and Physiology) and took two International Baccalaureate (IB) classes which made the year pass by very slowly with the work loads they came with. Almost every night during the week, I would be up past 1:00am studying for exams, completing math computations, and writing several essays. After the first term was over, I had grown very frustrated and did not want to do the work any longer. I could not wait for college to begin! But looking back at my high school career, I am very glad I had gone through this difficult time. If I had the chance to speak with my high school self, I would say keep working hard and doing what you're doing because it will for sure pay off in the end. High school has prepared you for college, without a doubt. However, college will not be as easy and you still have to work hard. There are so much waiting for you at college!
Knowing what I know now, I would have made sure that I did everything I could in high school to get ready for college. I also would have tried to apply for scholarships earlier. The transition between high school and college was hard at first, but I feel that I have learned a lot in school and also learned to be more independent. A difference between the two that I was unaware of in high school was the change in study habits. In college you have more time given to you before the next time you have that class, but you have a lot more information to look over. My study habits really changed when going from high school to college.
Believe in yourself and do not stress as much. If you know the material you know it, do not psyche yourself out by overlearning the material. Anxiety and sleep deprivation to study for a test over and over again is not worth it, because you already know the material. Just believe. Stay focused and keep using your note cards for tests, they help you out a ton. If you keep the notecards when you are all done, you do not have to make them for the final making yourself just a little bit more prepared than everybody else. When it comes down to it, just have fun, stay on top of all your assignments and it will be a breeze. Utilize your planner to avoid any extra stress.
My advice would be to sign up for scholarships sooner. It dosen't hurt to sign up early and you might increase the chance of getting a scholarship. Also I would tell myself to apply for many scholarships possible. Applying for alot of scholarships doesn't hurt and it increases your ability to get accepted for more money. The transition isn't easy and its something you must be ready for. It's hard work but it's all worth it because in the end you can end up with a Degree.
The college transition will be a lot easier if you are willing to let go of the past and embrace the future. If the friends you had in high school really care about you, then they will be there for you forever. You need to be open to making new friends while not forgetting about your friends at home. Making new friends is a wonderful experience because you have the ability to meet people of different backgrounds, cultures, experiences and personalities. But the most difficult thing that I learned was that people change when they go to college and turn into the people that they were destined to be. So the friendships and connections we had with people from high school are going to change as we get older, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. But this is a part and there is nothing we can do but cherish the memories of the past and look forward to the future. The past was holding me back from my future for too long and I only wish that I would have been able to move on sooner.
Brittany, I know life has been rough the last couple of years but things will get better in the end. When you think about school, don't say "well I'm going to take a year from school then go back". Try going to Oklahoma City Community College to get your basics taken care of then go for a degree in business. Two years is too long to wait to go back. It may stress you but it will be worth it in the long run. You'll be able to walk around with your degree and say "I have my Hookah Lounge" open. You should think about it.
Of all significant lessons learned, one of the lessons that I have obtained happened while gazing at two people have a dispute at a project workshop. During attending the voccational program at my high school, one of the assignments that students had to complete was to bestow an elderly person with a free massage at the nursing home. While at the nursing home, a female student untimely ceased massaging one side of their client’s body. The female student did not communicate with her partner that she wanted to have the male client turn over onto his back. She elevated the client’s leg promptly. The client rolled over onto the floor and blood surged from the client’s leg. Both students became flustered as the teacher made her way to their massage table to ask what had happened. The students never finished giving the client a full 40 minute massage. While listening to the students bicker, I gained knowledge that: “Body language speaks” … “Never squabble with an idiot, people watching may not be able to tell the difference.” When a person is angry, he or she should keep their composure---the greatest life advice toward making a positive transition.
Dear Chelsea,
You're a senior in high school now. This is such an exciting time in your life. So my advice to you: relax. You spent your entire high school career packing your schedule and studying like crazy. You've made it now and college is just around the corner. Enjoy the time you have left with your closest friends and be excited about starting a new chapter to your life. This is your time to shine. You love learning, sometimes, I think it's even your passion. High school was great, but college with become a new kind of learning at an intensity that will exhaust and enthrall you.
Study. Do your homework. Make school a first priority. I wish I studied more and concentrated on my studies. I also wish I thought about college before I graduated from high school so when I went it was not a rushed, confused process because even now I am still not sure if I am doing anything right. I feel behind in all my classes, like I never learned information that they already expect students to know.
If I was a senior and had the oppurtunity to consult my fellow graduates, I would emphazise on staying focus and volunteering your time. Many people out of High School will take any job given to them to help make ends meet. Not many focus on a job that corresponces to the education path they want to take. I would try to get them to fist sit down and decide what you want to do in life and what your call may be, and from there encourage the students to volunteer in that area first. Wether, it is volunteering for a hospital because you want to become a RN or wether one wants to volunteer as a firefighter or even in the court system. The reason I would focus on this is because it will give them a better understanding early in life if this is something that they trully want. Not only that, but also it will help when one graduates college to have that hands on experience when setting of on your journey.