Gannon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gannon University know before they start?


My college experience at Gannon has been the diversity of many different ethnic groups, who enjoy sharing there feeling about cultural differences without any bias from anyone. I must say before I actually decieded Gannon was going to be the right school and right choose for me, I asked God for the vision and I know that I was excepted at Gannon before I even appiled. Out of three other school I could have choosen to attent, my vision enlighten me with the best choice which was Gannon University. Even thought I was a bit relunctant to attend Gannon I did'nt see how I could afford it beings that I was initially told that there were going to be some out of pocket expenses before I could even sit as a freshman discouraged me into not going and so it took me three weeks to decieded and ultimatly I said the way with things and went with the vision I had and everything worked out perfectly. No out of pocket expenses and I got to sit on time for the first semester of my freshmen year with no worries except fot the fact wondering how did it all unfold.


I got a great education and met a lot of interesting people from a variety of places. I am now prepared to continue my education at the graduate level and enter the work force. I feel prepared to take on life challenges and confident in my self and the knowlege I have gained.


Many students go into college thinking it will be a party and that they will pass by with flying colors. Now don't get me wrong, it's not that students shouldn't be social and have fun during their college experience but getting their work done is essential. During my college experience so far, I have pursued my choice of major, gotten to know myself and my views on life and the world, taken steps towards individuality, and gained confidence in my abilities. Getting to know proffesors and introducing myself to new students has not only made me realize my own personality and qualitites but helped me become more social and understanding of what we call "the real world". Being in the classes that I was enrolled in not only gave me a better literal education, but also has helped me connect my thoughts, learn my study patterns, and help me learn to focus on schoolwork. I have seen some people go down in the dumps without a college education which is why I am grateful to have such a great opportunity. It will provide me with a better and brighter future which is one of my many goals.


I have had a very positive college experience at Gannon University. Going to college has made me a well rounded individual. I have learned to work hard academically, socialize with friends, go to church, and work to put myself through school. I have become very independent, hardworking, determined, motivated, and strong person. My college experience has helped me develop into the person I am today. I have succeeded in the classroom, made many friendships, and found a great church community here at Gannon. It has been valuable to attend college because I will have a degree in a specialized field. College graduates are much more likely to obtain a good job. It was important for me to have a degree in something specific (occupational therpay) to get a job out of college. Education is so valuable because it is something that can never be taken away from you.


Mostly what I learned during my time at Gannon is not to settle on a school you're not sure of. I'm really glad that I met some of the people there, but ultimately it was extremely expensive, and I don't feel like the education I received was the best that I could have received. I learned a lot through the coursework and my internship, although I feel that I could have been better suited at another school.


To further myself, and be able to make a good living and not live on a week to week paycheck!


College is obviously a major step in a young person's life. After leaving high school, no one is really sure what to expect or how to prepare. After almost completing my freshman year at Gannon University, I have advanced so much as a person that I will be forever grateful. If I had not come to college 2 hours away from my home, nothing would have changed from my ordinary life in high school. I think every day about how my life would be if I didn't decided to attend Gannon for my post-secondary academics, and every day I think how this is the most benefitial and positive experience I have had in my lifetime. I have learned to push myself even farther than I thought I could be pushed. I learned to live with a person completely opposite of my lifestyle and ended up being really great friends. Most importantly, I learned to really connect with all people more efficiently, and met people that are really compatible with me. Since coming to college, I now feel complete and comfortable with the person I am, and who I will be after school, for the first time.


Being in a community college, I do not feel I have had the traditional college experience. Instead, it has taught me truly how valuable experiencing it is. Out of my year at a commuter school, I have realized the fact that I am so excited to continue my education in an environment where school and learning is the number one priority, in a close knit community of peers striving to accomplish the similar future career goals. The choices, friends, and career path decisioins I make today and in the upcoming years will affect the rest of my life. Since I plan to accomplish a great deal of discovery, travel, and prevention of natural diasters in the field of geology, the time I am spending in college is the most valuable and important thing I can do for my future. In general, I believe that a college degree is the most valuable thing anyone can spend their money on. Education leads to hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional lifetime income, but the friends one makes, the experiences one has, and the memories and knowledge one can reflect on make the college experience more valuable than any amount of money.


The Theology courses that we are required to take has taught me more than I ever knew. I have a better understanding of myself and the world around me. I also have more morals and am much open to meeting new people of different nationalities. I've met many amazing people who will be my friends for a lifetime, and I love that! Gannon has made me a much better person on the inside. I enjoy the many festivities that they have, and I love the fact that the majority of students at Gannon University are very clean cut!


Through Gannon University I have learned important life skills such as time management, interpersonal relationships, and personal responsibility. My rigorous and demanding schedule has trained me to value my time and ensure that every minute of my day is spent effectively. Since Gannon University is a relatively small University, the close connections it fosters between it students has helped me grow as a member of a society larger than my high school and family. The most important value I have learned is to value my education. I have learned through the Gannon University Liberal Arts curriculum that all knowledge is for the bettering of one?s self. This has become a very important part of my academic outlook. It has showed how to view education as a pathway for my future. Many of the goals and future prospects I have will be shaped by the curriculum and professors. Furthermore, on the value of education, on the most important aspects of Gannon that will help me pursue my career as a sports nutritionist is its strong focus on the health sciences. The facilities and qualified professors have helped me not only do well in their classes but also learn the material.