Gannon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gannon University know before they start?


Having just recently completed the first half of my first semester at Gannon, I have only ingested a piece of what my academic life holds for me in the future. However, I had not originally planned on going to college. After having a son at the age 19, I realized it was time to not only do things for me, but for him too. With so many things on your plate it can be intimidating to start such a monumental task as completing a college education. However, the Gannon staff was more than willing to help get me initiated and comfortable. This has been the most valuable choice I have ever made. I wake up everyday with a desire not just to attend class, but to extract everything I possibly can from it. After all, I am no longer living only for myself, I am also living to provide the best possible life for my son, and Gannon is the first step in doing so.


Out of the short time I have attened college I have realized the importance of getting an education and following your dreams. It is important to earn an education not only to be successful in the future but also to learn what you love and do what you love. I grew up with a single parent and watched how hard it was to raise a child alone. In order to be successful and be where you want to be, you need to work hard for it and really, really want it. Education is valuable to me. I want to be able to say I have a college degree and have a good job that I love waking up for everyday. College is a part of life that everyone should experience. It helps you find yourself, as well as helping you create the future that you have always dreamt about.


I have learned a lot, thats because. If I never gone to college in the first place I probably wouldn't all the things I have learned in college. I learned tha basic things in photoshop, learned how to make a basic page un dreamweaver also raise my creativity in another level. I fortified my skills in drawing. I learned the History of art and so much more. I am really appreciated for all the knowledge o jave gained beaing in college. Fortunately, this is just the begining. I am certain that I'm will keep learning new thhings.


the practical approach of the school is awesome


During my education at Gannon I have been given many opportunites to succeed. I have learned so much from my teachers who are so excited about their subjects that you can't help but be excited too. I have made so many friends that I hope I stay in contact with in the future. I enjoyed my time playing varsity athletics at Gannon University; I think athletics helped me to improve time management as well as become a more well-rounded individual. I have really enjoyed my time at Gannon University and I hope that I have similar experiences at Old Dominion for my graduate school career. I highly recommend Gannon to potential students because the small class size helps students learn more effeciently and gives them more one-on-one time with the teachers. I am very glad that I made the decision to go to Gannon.


"Believe in the possibilities.", the motto of my university. As a youth in 21st century America I have been challenged with educational standards, yet suppressed by realizations of globalization and the international perspective of an American student. I chose to pursue International Business for my love of travel and desire to help others manage organizations throughout the world. America is a country that appears to be slipping with education and more prominently, economic affairs. As a high school student, I was aware that I was intelligent. I came from a poor rural area and knew that my standards were higher than those of others; I chose to attend college. Self-Motivation was never as much of an issue. I knew that I was capable of great things. However, the most valuable part of my college education has been ambition and realization of the future. As an above average student in high school, I knew that I could do much better. College has motivated me to reach goals that may be out of my potential, yet I will strive to achieve them. The idea that American students of any background can succeed in the 21st century has been most rewarding.


Your grades count even though you have been accepted. study harder to make up for the lacking off of other years. The better your grades the more money you can get. You need to put forth the effort so you will save your self a lot of worry. Make yourself Invaulable to them and to Gahanna Lincoln high.


If I were able to go back in time and talk to my former self, I would tell myself to slow down and enjoy your final year in high school because it is not only your final year in high school, but also your final year at home surrounded with the family and friends you grew up with. I would tell myself that college is a wonderful experience, and will live up to everything you hoped it would, but that you must slow down and stop worrying about the future and live and enjoy the moment now because you will never be able to get back those moments. My senior year I worried too much about my grades and filling out scholarships, and missed so many opportunities to spend time with the ones I loved. I am enjoying college so much now, but I still wish I could get back those moments I failed to acknowlege last year.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself a lot of important things to better prepare myself for college. I would tell myself, work harder to bump up your grades to help you overcome that messy junior year (I missed a lot of school due to family medical emergencies as well as my own.) I would also tell myself to take up more activities, instead of just Latin club. Also, I would tell myself to take more than one advanced placement classes. Even if I do not test out of the courses in college, they help prepare you for what to expect in college level courses. If I had the chance to go back and give myself advice, I would. This advice would help me feel better prepared for college life ad expectations.


Definitely go out and participate in clubs! It is a great way to make friends and form a supportive social circle! The campus might be small, but as long as you try, it can be fun! Live life to the fullest, because once you get older, even some of the later years of college, it will be hard to fit social life in. You only live once, kid!! Study hard, life can be rough and the Biology and Anatomy classes can kick ass! Find a good balance between studying and going out! You are going to hate class sometimes, but just remember that it will all be worth it one day, when you graduate and put school behind you at last. You are an intelligent young woman, you will succeed in whatever you choose.