Be open to become all that you can be. Be considerate of others and their beliefs. Take each day one step at a time.
The best way to make new friends is to take a chance, be friendly and open, and get involved. College may offer similar activities to what you got involved in in high school, but don't be afraid to try something new, like a sorority or fraternity, or get involved in the local community by volunteering or going to a local church. Stay open-minded to the people you meet, and the experiences and opportunities you have. These will all help you build a community and network at your college, and that will help the transition between high school and college be much more fun and enjoyable.
If I were able to go back to tell myself something as a senior, it would be to relax. As a senior in high school life doesn't need to be too complicated, everything will work out in time. Making a choice about college is important but if you don't pick right the first time you can always try again. Though when thinking about school you have to prepare yourself to go outside your comfort zone otherwise you may not meet those people that you really want to be friends with. Take chances and go out on a limb to talk to that person in the corner you think is interesting. It is things like that which bring you to the best friends you can find. No matter how tought you think something will be you wont regret introducing yourself to someone. You can only regret that which you do not do.
I would tell my high school self to get involved in some clubs and attend activities, those are some of the easiest ways to make friends. Also, do not be afraid to ask professors for help or to get a tutor.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was still a senior in high school, I would remind myself that not only must I study hard to get good grades but I must also take time out to chill and have a little bit of fun. I would tell myself not to worry so much about how different college will be from high school. I will also tell myself that with the support of my family, the transition will be smooth and painfree and not to worry about it. I will also tell myself that to be myself is OK. I don't have to pretend that I am something that I am not and that the new people I meet will like me for who I am. I will also remind myself that even though I won't be seeing my friends that I've had since kindergarten as often as I would like to, that we will still remain close and keep that bond.
Continue to participate in as many activities as you can handle now because you probably won't have time for them in college. Learn as much about yourself through these activities in preparation of leaving home and going away to school. Continue to be respectful of others and learn from each experience and from your teachers. Push yourself, you will have to work harder in college than you ever had to in high school. If possible, take one or two classes at the Community College to prepare you for some of the classes that you will be taking and may not have much knowledge of. It will definately help you. Save your money, you will need it, there are added expenses that you and your parents may not have planned for. Cultivate your hometown friendships, when things get rough, your friends will be there to get you through tough times. Listen to all advice and filter it. Knowledge is power and you never know when that one tidbit will help you out. Keep your grades up and apply for scholarships, if you've worked hard, reap the benefits. Lastly have FUN & enjoy your senior year!
Advice I would give myself:
You are going to have an awesome experience in college! You will be living an independent life. Be ready to make all of your choices on your own:
One of the most important choices to make in college is who your friends will be. Don't start hanging out with the kids that are "tough guys". You'll know them when you see them. They're always talking about getting in fights other thigns of that sort. Believe me, no one likes them but themselves.
Should I study for a test I have in 2 days? YES. In fact, study 3 days before the test. Do not prcrastinate and cram studying till the last night before. It worked in high-school, but DOESN'T in college. Focusing and participating in class tremendously helps your test grade as well.
Do EVERY assigment that is given to you. Don't skip one homework assignment, telling yourself that it won't hurt your grade. You will develop bad habits which leads to you skipping more and more assignments.
GO TO CLASS. It seems simple, but you'd be surprised how many kids get into the bad habit.
If I were able to talk to myself as high school senior, I would tell myself to retake my SATs. It is the only thing I regret about high school and feel that it really limited my scholarship opportunities. I applied for over twenty scholarships at my high school, but was only awarded three. I was the third academically ranked student and had a full list of extracurricular activities, so the only thing I could have improved was my SAT score. That would have been the most helpful advice for me as a high school senior.
I wish I could go back and tell myself that it would be okay and that I didn't need to stress out or worry. I wish someone would have told me that as long as long as you stay on top of everything and use the resources around you it's nearly impossible to fail. I absolutely love where I'm at now and feel like I'm more successful now then in High School. I wish I could go back and tell myself just how well I would do and how prepared I truly was.
If I was able to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have a large amount of advice. The first thing I would recommend is for me to take more duel enrollment classes. The ones that I did complete put me ahead of the game and helped me to get required courses out of the way. These courses would have also prepared me for my transition into the college life. I would also recommend not to do co-op and took more academic courses. I missed out on Calculus and physics which would have really benefited me immensely. I am going to need these classes for my major and they are going to be much harder without a background in the subjects. The final thing I would have said was to spend more time at home, I did not spend enough time with my parents and little sister. I am not able to see them very often now that I am at school and I miss being able to see them everyday.