Gannon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gannon University know before they start?


The biggest advice i can give is to search for the school that is right for you. Visit it and if it doesn't feel right don't go to it, most likely it is not a fit for you. Also, don't make decisions based on what your friends are doing and where they are going. They are not you and they may not have the same future in mind that you do. When looking at colleges look at all aspects such as; location, size, cost, what it is known for, is it religously based, are you going to play sports while there, and what the social life is like. It is best to have a general idea of what you want and then narrow it down to more specific qualities. Look for a school that is known for the major that you want to be in but also know that you might switch majors. If that is the case maybe a state school or a local college would be better for you. Also keep the grades up you may receive money for them! Money may not seem important to you know but it will in the future.


So I am a high school senior again, and I need to know what to tell myself about college life. Well, I would start out by telling myself it is not going to be easy. You are going to have to work hard at what you want to achieve in life. College is not high school all over again. College will teach me responsibility and leadership skills I never knew I had. I would tell myself it is okay to not know exactly what you want to do in life. As long as you know you want to make a difference in this world, there is no rush in planning your future. Finally, I would tell myself to accept how things will not always work out. If you sweat the small stuff in college, it could throw your whole week off; there are many tasks needing to be completed in one day, don't allow one problem to affect how you complete all of those tasks. These few pieces of advice could make a world of differece to a nervous, uptight freshman who doesn't know what to expect!


You won't really know what a school is like until you are actually there and going to school. Open houses, visits and orientation give you a feel of the school, but it is much different than actually being at college. The college experience is a new chance for you to define yourself and grow into an adult. In order to fully have a college experience you have to put yourself out there. You have to get involved in different clubs, meet different people, and try new activities. You can't expect to be attached to your roommate's hip. You will benefit because you will find people unlike your high school friends. Don't focus on merely going to class and getting good grades. This is important, but you need to develop into a well-rounded person. Try clubs, volunteer, etc. A new experience may introduce you to something you never thought you would like. You have to be open minded. It doesn't hurt to try. This is the most important advice I can give.


I would advise the student and parents of the student to keep their options open. Do not decide on a school because of where friends attend, or somewhere that is cheap. Even if you have no friends there, other are in the same situation as you and are eager to make friends, so friends will come. Touring college campuses, talking with students who attend those schools and doing research on college programs are the three best things you can do. Tour as many colleges as you want, some close to home, and some far away. Find the school that appeals to you. Find a school where you can see yourself attending, not where others want you to attend. Find a school where you feel like you "fit", and put that near the top of your list.


During the college search process, it's important for students and families to search everywhere. If someone thinks that you want to stay close to home, still explore one or two school options that are further away. If a student thinks that they want to go to a big school, they should also search among a few smaller schools as well. There is no way to know if you will love the school that you choose, so the best thing that you can do is to be as prepared as possible for what is to come. Chose the school that you think will fit you well, which includes choosing a school based on where you see yourself going. Students that let their parents or family have too much influence during the college search process run the big risk of being extremly unhappy once they get to school. You only get one chance for your first college experience, so make yourself happy, and make it count.


Pick a school that best suits you individual needs. First consider their academic programs. Make sure they offer courses that will benefit you in your chosen field of study. If you prefer small class sizes and individual attention,, consider a smaller school. If you are very into the nightlife and social events, a bigger school may be better for you. Really consider the pros and cons when considering schools. I would also suggest visiting the school and possibly staying with a current student to get a better feel for the environment that you will be spending the next few years in. After considering the academics and the social environment, you should make sure the tuition is affordable. Talk to financial aid and see if you qualify for any univeristy scholarships, grants or loans that might ease the financial burden. When all is said and done, make sure that you are comfortable, despite preferences from peers and relatives. It is your decision. Choose wisely.


be you and go where you want to or where you think is going to be best. parents, let your kids go, they will be ok and if they aren't then they'll tell you ok, we're fine and we do miss you we just don't like to admit it. future students, don't get overwhelmed everything will work out. don't party too hard but be social, don't let anyone pressure you to do anything you don't want to remember you are your own person. you can start over with everythere at your school cuz no one knows you. be outgoing and try new things, find some good friends and never let them go. study hard and do well in school because that is why you are there. never loss sight of your goals. most importantly, have fun


Do not go to school for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Do what you want to do and never base your decision on another person, its up to you not them.


Dont look at price, just go with your gut and if it feels right!


Get involved. Nothing helps a new student network and make friends they can rely on more than getting involved on campus.