Gannon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gannon University know before they start?


I was anxious about transitioning from high school to college. Looking back, I realize that I shouldn't have been so apprehensive. Gannon turned out to be the right choice for me, even though I sometimes wish I could have experienced going to a larger school. Gannon is a small community that cares about its members and my professors have been excellent and very supportive. I am glad I chose to go to a school where I didn't know a lot of people because it gave me the opportunity to meet new people and broaden my horizons. I am also glad that I chose nursing, as it is definitely where my heart is. I have met some of my best friends here and I have grown as a person and as a professional. If there is anything I would have done differently, it would be that I got a late start with having fun at college and making the most of my time here. I didn't really start having fun until my junior year. Therefore, I would tell myself to step out of my comfort zone early on and make the most of my time from the start.


The classes are more entertaining than the high school classes. You learn new things all the time.


Realize that college is a stepping stone to the next and most important part of your life. College will provide you with opportunities to succeed and get ahead of others, only if you are willing to look for the opportunities that are out there for you. Employers want you to get out there and be active on campus, so take full advantage of clubs and organizations that are offered, because it will not only help better you and broaden you as a person, but will look good on a resume post graduation. College will allow you to take risks and to learn from the risks that you are taking, even if you know there is a high chance of failing. As you know, to be the best you have to do what the best does and that is do all you can to get ahead in life and realize that once you are close to the top to not stop and look back, but keep going and realize you still have the rest of your life to worry about making money.


While you may be second-guessing your descision to attend gannon University, as well as enter St. Mark Seminary, it will provide with great oppurtunities while you are attaining your undergraduate degree. You will be given a chance to spend time outside of the country your freshman year, you will help to re-found the oldest fraternity on Gannon's campus, and you will have the oppurtunity to join and participate in too many campus groups to mention. Academically, you will become a rising star--you actually decide not to pursue a degree in history, but you discover a love for Philosophy! You even preform research with two of your professors at the FDR Presidential Library. Your growrth as an academic, but more importantly as a person, is marked with milestones, both great and small. Your first girlfriend will be one of the largest (though we won't open that "can of worms"), as it will change your entire perspective on life, especially that of your own. Your decision is well founded, and there is no need to change. if you go with the flow, you will be led down the right road, however bumpy in may be. God bless.


Honestly, I would tell myself to save as much money as possible, because I did not realize how expensive college is, especially after joining a sorority. I would have saved all of my paychecks because it is worrisome to know that I will probably come out of college with a debt of around 100,000 dollars. This is an added pressure to motivate me to do well in my classes to get a good job in the future.


The best advice I would give myself would be stay true to myself. Do not worry about impressing people, just do the things you enjoy doing. Be willing to take risks and make mistakes, but remember who you are and where you come from. Remember class comes first and no matter what happens, mom and dad will help you figure it out.


Looking back at my naive 18-year-old self, I would have some important advice to give myself. The first piece of advice would be to experience as much as a could during freshman year of college; classes only get harder, so have fun and get involved while you can. Another piece of advice I would have is to continue to stay in touch with family. They will always be there for you to lean on, and they have gone through this process before. My last piece of advice would be to be confident and strive to do the best that I can, both in class and as a person. These college years are the last before you get thrown into the world; make them worthwhile.


If I were a high school senior, I would have reminded myself to stay calm. I, like everyone else, am new to the school. I am going to make a lot of friends and even some enemies along the way. I would remind myself not only to be challenging in college but challenge myself at the end of my senior year. To enjoy and love my friends and to stay close to those who have changed my life. I would want to do more scholarships prior to college and work through the summer. I want to trust in myself and the choices I am about to make and believe in all of the decisions I make. I want to remember to be confident and caring and not pompous and distrustful. Also, I want to remind myself to be open-minded and hopeful. Most of all I want to remind me to be who I am.


I originally went to a college five hours away, so I would tell myself that I do not have to go far away from home to get a good education. Gannon is an excellect University and since it is so close to home I can save a lot of money. Going to college far away is lonely and not for everyone. If you go to Gannon you will be around the people you love and grew up with and you will be in an environment that you are familiar with.


I would tell myself to have a plan and a schedule to keep organized. Also to not hold back and to not be afraid.