If I could go back to myself as a senior I would give myself encouragement to not put off my education. In 1988 when I graduated it was commonplace to be able to go straight from high school into a full-time career with benefits. I was able to do so, and then my situation changed drastically and I found that I was head-of-household with five children to provide for and no real education to back me up.
I would have made the same decisions I made. I visited colleges early, determined my major, and figured out what I wanted out of a school. I wanted a strong academic school as well as a strong athletic school. Gannon also provides me with many leadership and service opportunities. Gannon is also focused on making each student well-rounded and I can appreciate this wholesome focus. I would advise myself to apply early and get to know people who are also going to Gannon.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to enjoy the little things in life. Going to college is much more than just getting a degree. Going to college means leaving the only life you knew and creating an identity for yourself that will follow you for the rest of your life. I would tell myself to enjoy the little things in life my senior year because those little things will be the big things you miss the most when you go to college. I would tell myself to eat every bite of dinner my mother prepared every night because soon enough, your mother will be miles away and you will miss the smell of a fresh cooked meal. I would tell myself to spend as much time as i could cheering on my baby sister because when you go to college, you are too busy to go home for every soccer and t-ball game. The last thing i would tell myself is to just have fun and be less stressed out my senior year. The little things in life are ultimatley the big things you will miss most.
I would tell myself that you just have to go with it, you have to embrace the change and make the best of the situation. college is a new experience, it can be scary but try not to get too stressed out. Make sure you come prepared, crazy things happen, have all of your insurence information with you and know how it works. Don't be afrade to ask for help, when you tell people your a first time college student, most of the time they will be considerate and help you out. college is a time to recreate yourself so be smart be safe and stay focused but dont forget to enjoy yourself too!
Knowing what i know about college life, I would give myself information on how to study more conveniently and prepare myself for the future more. I am a transfer studen, at my old school I commuted every single day so i never truely got the college experience until now. I also changed my major three times. If I also had anything to tell my former self I would tell myself to really open my options and explore the fields to figure out exactly what I wanted to do, instead of having to change my major three times.
Personally I’m not one to encourage people to put their eggs in one basket but when it comes to making your college dicicions this is one method I should have consider as a college student myself . Especially if you’re not financially wealthy, wasting money testing out Majors is not wise. We all seek happiness in this cold world, but proceeding with a miserable carrier to obtain a large sum of money will destroy one’s happiness in life. Taking the wrong major will only distract you from fulfilling what you want to be. Trusting and investing in you is one of the best things anyone could ever do in their college life. I’d advise myself to stop being “safe” with my choices and attack my passion head on. To Trust my heart and choose the course of study that interests and inspires me. To not base my path merely because it satisfies the expectations of others, or because it seems prudent at the time, but because it’s what I enjoy doing. At the end of the day, happiness is all we seek, and having an unbearable job, will not bring you the happiness you look for.
I would tell myself to save money, work hard, and do whatever you have to do to get a scholarship and go to college. Don't let anyone stand in your way. Be the best you can be.
I would tell myself to make sure I weigh all my options and think about finances when looking into colleges. In high school I was so concerned with going to a big school far away and I didn't even think about local, smaller schools. However, after a year and a half at a school out of state, I realized I was unhappy and spending too much money. I wish I would've taken the time to consider a local school like Gannon, because if I did I probably would've realized it was a much better fit for me. I also would tell myself to keep and open mind and try things I normally wouldn't, and to branch out. You can meet so many different people when do decide to do something that is out of your comfort zone, and I wish I would've realized that sooner.
I would tell myself to trust only a close few people and be good to the friends you make. Don't take your friends for granted because so many things can happen over the course of the year.
If I were to go back in time, the advice I would give my senior self is to learn how to manage your time and get involved. When I first got to college I easily got stressed out over school work and whether or not I would have enough time to finish it. It turns out that I had a lot more time than anticipated to get work done. When I was so busy stressing over school work I missed out on great opportunites to make new friends and get involved on campus. However, during that first semester I did learm how to manage my time so I could get my work done and still have time to do other extracurricular activities. College is not only about learning, but also making connections with people and putting yourself out there. This is a time to learn about yourself and others, and prepare yourself for your future career and life.