Iowa State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Iowa State University.


All social groups have there place if you don't agree you stay away if you won't to get involved you contact the club/organization president.


There are different groups at Iowa State. Cheerleaders Hicks/Farmers Athletes Greeks Goths What's interesting though is that although one may be stereotyped in one group or another, it's still possible to belong to more than one for these groups. Most students wear sweatpants to class, or at least I did!


When I was at ISU there were the ongoing diversity issues, every college wants to be diverse, i spent one year on campus during an election year, was there an overwhelming left vs right, I can't say, what I remember was the importance of voting was prevelant, and arrangements were made to 1. be registered to vote, and 2. for transportation to your polling place! most of the students i knew were from across Iowa, the chicago area, and the twin cities area. I think your ecomonic state before entering college is who you are naturally attracted to, my friends were mostly the same financially as I was. I knew people who came from wealth, I knew people who were on their own for college.


Nobody would feel out of place at Iowa State. We have so many different ethnicities and groups of people that it's next to impossible to feel left out! There isn't one group out there on campus that doesn't exist for their friendship at ISU. Most ISU students are from small towns in Iowa, Minnesota, Chicago, or another country.


1994-1998 the student body seemed to me to be predominately from Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois. It was not a very diverse campus; the majority of students were white, straight, catholic and democrat, middle class. At that time I think that if a student felt out of place it would be someone who was from another country. Although there were groups an International student could be involved in I didn't see a lot of International students socializing with the majority group. Within the groups of students you would see hanging around together they were from the same ethnic background as a general rule.


Many students are from the Midwest. If they are not from Iowa they are usually from MN. I'm from MN and I was surprised to find so many out of state students. Many different types of students interact. It is such a big school so rarely will you see clicks or people being exclusive.


I didn't see a lot of diversity.


People make too much out of the race issue. I never experianced any sort of descrimination as an undergrad at ISU. The student body I interacted with was very accepting.


Iowa State is mostly white middle class students.


Iowa State's Student Body is friendly, open, honest, and typical. There could be more diversity. Most students wear jeans and t-shirts to class - it is a very comfortable environment, but can be formal when appropriate. I didn't really notice or pay attention to financial backgrounds. Most students were down to earth and didn't focus on a person's financial status/background. I will say that a lot of the sudents I associated with held PT jobs while attending ISU.