ISU tries very hard to give everyone a multicultural experience.
Most Iowa State students are from MN or IA.
I think that the volume of student body activities is well addressed. There isnt an overwhelming feeling of one group or another that makes it easier to be involved in more than one event or activity.
I don't really feel like any students would feel out of place at Iowa State, I feel like Iowa State has a good balance of all types of people. Most students wear jeans and sweatshirts to class, I feel like it is a relaxed laid back environent. I would say all types of students interact. Just from the Greek Community all the houses kind of have a different feel and there are activities all the time when the students interact. 4 different tables in the dining hall would be a table guys- farmers or engineers, a table of musicians (we have an amazing marching band), a table of athletes, and a table of Greeks. And there are students in most of those groups that could sit at more than just one of those tables. Most students are from Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois. I know I talk with my group of friends all the time about how much we will be making or hope to be making and we are always talking about the future.
The student body at Iowa State is pretty diverse. If there were four tables in a dining room they would be 1) Greeks 2) Asians 3) Athletes 4) Non-greeks.
Most students seem to be from around the Midwest or close by. Most students dress in comfortable clothes, jeans, t-shirts, flip-flops and tennis shoes. People are politically aware but some people can take it or leave it. There is a large Greek community on the Iowa State campus who participate in many things.
I didn't go here my freshman year so I don't know anything about the dining halls and how they're segregated. I come from a town that is not very diverse and the school I went to before this was exactly like it, so to me Iowa State seems to have a pretty broad selection of students. I can't think of a specific "type" of student that would feel out of place here and I think there are all kinds of people that are active in their own ways.
The students at Iowa State are all very well rounded. I have made so many amazing relationships so far, as well as met numerous people. I don't think many students would feel out of place here. Iowa State has a very diverse student body. Most Iowa State students are from Iowa, but I have met many students from Minnesota and the Midwest. Financial backgrounds are all different, but most are middle-class. Each student is unique in their own way, and that is what makes our student body so special.
Diverse but comfortable. Very open community with the feeling of home.
Any student can attend Iowa State University and fit it, there are many different groups and clubs; someone for everyone.