ISU is very much a middle of the road school in the Midwest. Students who may feel out of place would be the most liberal students. But, they'll probably go to the University of Iowa. Students are casual. ISU students seem to come from around the Midwest, but some come from afar if they are on scholarship or a seeking one of the excellent curriculums offered... mainly veterinary science, engineering, or anything related to agriculture.
Extra curriculars at ISU left nothing to be desired. If you wanted to start a club, the Government of Student Body (GSB) was quite receptive to not only approving a club, but providing some funding to get off the ground.
I think ISU is fairly diverse. I can't say what kind of student would feel out of place but if someone came from another culture, I like to think that ISU does a phenomenal job of making them feel welcomed. I do know there are a lot of different groups and clubs that are diverse that people are welcomed to go to. I always saw a lot of diverse people when I would walk around campus so I think ISU stays ok in the diverse area. As far as the political sides of things, that was one reason why I wanted to come. Most people know that Iowa City is very liberal in their thinking and they aren't afraid to show it...well...thats not me. I do know that ISU has some left wing people, but its not in your face...neither is the right wing. I felt as though I had some room to make my own decision on the politics and not feel bad about it. When I go to IC, I feel like I should hide for being more on the right side of things.
I was involved in a sorority, and not much on campus.
I loved being part of the dorm and the greek system. I made many life long friends at ISU
Like I said most people that go to ISU are white kids from the midwest. There were also a lot from the bigger midwest cities but even that group wasn't that large. Any students that do not fit into this type might feel a little out of place. But everyone is so nice and friendly that it wouldn't be the doing of others.
I don't think any kind of student would feel out of place here. There is enough diversity that anyone can feel comfortable and at home. Most students either wear sweats or jeans and a t-shirt to class. Very few people dress up regularily. Most ISU students are from Iowa and it seems like a lot of them live on farms.
Groups on campus have handed out flyers as well as written on the sidewalks around campus. I believe these are fine ways to get points across and in no way do these things make me feel uncomfortable or pressured. I honestly don't know what kind of student would feel out of place at ISU, I think that everyone would be able to find someone that they can relate to and enjoy. The majority of the ISU students that I know have come from the midwest. I think that the majority of the student body that comes from out of state is more financially secure than the ones from Iowa, however, I think that most of ISU is overall financially secure. My friends at ISU for the most part all want to be successful and make a decent wage after college.
ISU honestly isn't very diverse. Most the the student body is from Iowa or a neighboring state, especially Minnesota. Very middle class, very homogeneous.
If there were four tables, it would be Greeks, Non-greeks, Asians, and Athletes