Being a sorority almost everyone around you has money and goes shopping so I feel like i fit in very well but i know that sometimes people who have less money it can get awkward because they feel like they can't do certain activites.
There a lot of different activites that allow one to get involved. There are lots of differnt groups allowing someones to get involoved with wahtever interests them. This a good aspect of Iowa State! Different types of students are able to interact through common interests such as in specific groups.
Most students wear jeans and a t-shirt or jeans and a nice shirt or sweatpants and sweatshirts. I would have to say that most students are come from out of state. I am sure that students tell people how much they think they will make but I have not heard of anyone telling me that.
My experiences with religious issues at Iowa State have been fairly pleasant. There are groups for eveyrone to go and explore their faith. I personally enjoy SALT which is a nice group for Christians to get together and celebrate Christ. But there are multitudes of different religious groups and organizations. The only time I remember being offended was when there was a flyer and I found it very offensive.
I do not that that anyone would feel out of place here, sometimes it is hard for me though to accept all of the small town kids. Most of the students here are from small towns, and then it attracts very few people from Nebraska, quite a bit from Minnesota and the Chicago area. I do not think that many people are super well off, but then you have the kids from Omaha, which is a pretty well off known community to live in, and the Chicago and Minnesota kids tend to be well off as well.
The school is in the middle of Iowa, so there isn't a terrible amount of diversity built into school life. However, Iowa State does a good job of promoting diversity and acceptance. However, I think that not all the students are entirely open-minded to the diversity the University attempts to claim the students / campus have. Many students are middle-class students, and there are a lot of first-generation students.
But many disciplines are focused on the practical aspects of the working world, so a lot of emphasis is placed on what students do upon graduation.
I think that depending on where you lived and who you interacted with depends on how you view the student body. I met a wide variety of people who lived in different dorms, and saw that certain types of people tended to live in different dorms. I think that you can't classify the school as being religious or political, but I knew both religious and political people. They were involved with religious groups and political groups, respectively, but didn't force their views or opinions on me unless I asked for it.
I think that Iowa State has a great student body. It is so diverse that there is room for everybody to fit in. I also like it because you don't have to worry what you look like. If I was having a bad day and just wanted to wear sweatpants, I would because I know that other people don't care. You see people wear everything on campus. You have the kids who dress up, kids who wear sweats, and kids who wear clothes that express their personality. It's great!
I feel that nobody would really feel out of place at Iowa State. It is so diverse that everyone feels welcome. There is a wide varity of races here. Nobody should feel left out. I feel our student body has a lot of pride also. Its a nice feeling.
from anywhere and everywhere, all financial backgrounds, a little bit of everyone!