Iowa State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Iowa State University.


My classmates are friendly and helpful.


Students here are generally very hardworking and intelligent.


My classmates are fun, energetic and caring people that often want to spend free time with me outside of classes.


The College of Design holds a 20/30/50 mix of rural middle-class kids who wear clothing from the mall and usually emphasize in illustration, interior deisgn or landscape architecure; young professionals who buy clothing from the gap and study architecture or urban planning; and counter-culture socialites who seek thrift store treasures and create ironic artworks that reference socio-political identifications, also known as integrated studio art & graphic design students with a smattering of landscape architecure students [see urban dictionary's definition of hipster.]


My classmates are very good people. You can ask them any question and they will help. We all work well as a group and I wouldn't want it any other way.


My classmates all seem to get along very well with me and other students and they are all very helpful in group projects and group discussions.


I have really gotten to know my classmates this past semester because we had a learning community together, and I think they are all great. I really got close to most of them and I am so glad because a lot of them are my friends.


My classmates are very diverse. They don't judge, they don't want to be judged. Many of them come from different places and just want the same opportunities that I do. Everyone is very accepting.


My classmates are all hardworking and take college seriously, but they also like to have fun, they help me out when i am in need of it and i do the same; most students are in good standing with their teachers.


My classmates are acedemically focused (typically engeneirs) , they are here to learn and achieve.