Iowa State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Iowa State University.


Greek, people who want to be involved, and people who are just here for an education


Iowa State has many groups, clubs and things that are not affiliated with the college that I think would make anyone feel like they fit in.


people wear tees and jeans or sweatpants unless you are a fashion student. Nothing special. Most of the student are from the midwest, so everyone is really nice


Students wear a variety of things- jeans, sweats, dresses, suits. Some students are very politically active or concerned with the environment


I haven't had any problems feeling out of place here or heard of anyone having problems. I think most Iowa State students are from small towns in Iowa.


They are an energetic group of individuals that never cease to amaze me.


different people, but respectful


Most of Iowa State is either from Iowa or from out of the country.


I interacted with several different types of people at ISU. I think most people are open to communicating with all sorts of backgrounds. Some students are politically aware but most are not.


There are many clubs for people to be involve in. There is something to interest everyone. Students mostly dress down for class. A thing that I don't like about Iowa State is that when you walk to class, there is never any interaction that happens when you pass somebody. Usually the other person just looks away or down to the ground. I think that if people were to simple more when they past each other while walking, a lot of people would have better days.