Iowa State University Top Questions

Describe the students at Iowa State University.


Most iowa state students are iowa, but there are a pretty big sum from mn and il. most students wear comfortable clothes to class, often pajama pants or sweatshirts, nothing too fancy


I don't think that any students feel out of place at Iowa State. Most students wear jeans and t-shirts to class. Most Iowa students are from Iowa, Minnesota, and Illinois.


This might sound very odd, but I think its incredible weird that there are not many African American individuals that attend Iowa State University unless they are athletes. One of my best friends from home is African American, and its just weird to not see very many people of this race on campus.


I dont think that many people would feel left out here, it is a really welcoming environment.


i came from a predominantly white school (literally 11 black students out of 1200) so anywhere is going to be a lot different than what im used to. there are tons of foreign exchange students, mostly asian. most kids wear pajamas to class, including myself.


I don't believe any student would feel out of place at ISU. I think the student body is pretty diverse. If someone puts in an effort they are bound to find a place they fit in. Especially with the large number of clubs on campus. I see most students in ISU sweats and jeans. I am mostly in business attire in class because I either come from work or go to work after class. There seem to be a lot of people from Minnesota at ISU.


I am Asian-American and am in a Greek house. I am the only asian active member in my hosue right now but I have never felt outcasted. In a very caucasian campus, very many different people interact, which I really love.


Iowa State was made up of a very diverse group of students when I attended. It is probably not a good university to attend if you have serious prejudices or if you are not willing to interact with others differnt than you. No close minded people allowed! Actually, they would probably be able to find their own niche. The mixtures of races, cultures, personal and political beliefs, and individual personalities is what made Iowa State so unique and colorful to me. As far as what to wear, I'm pretty sure that was up to the individuals beliefs, customs, upbringing and self pride. I wore jeans with sweaters, sweatshirts, or t-shirts a majority of the time. The only time I felt akward was my freshman year when I wore my boyfriends Oklahoma football jersey. Obviously, I was oblivious to the Big 12 at the time.


I think Iowa States Student body is very diverse. However, there are social norms that we all follow. I don't think that anyone would really feel out of place at Iowa State.


Iowa State's student body is a nice mix, but mostly small town Iowa folk.