Iowa State University is best known for it's colleges of Engineering and Agriculture. When meeting new people, it is not uncommon for them to say that their major involves some sort of engineering studies or agriculture. Especially being located in the midwest, a lot of students are majoring in agriculture! In my opinion, ISU is best known for its welcoming atmosphere and faculty. This is a studen't home away from home. Attending ISU would make you apart of what this college is best known for.
Iowa State is best know for its Engineering and Science programs.
My school is best know for being a research based college that requires all professors to have a specific field of research, it is also well known for being one of the top agriculture, engineering, and science colleges in the nation.
Iowa State is best known for VEISHEA, an annual education and entertainment festival held each spring. VEISHEA comes from the initials of ISU's five origional colleges (Veterinary Medicine, Engineering, Industrial Sciences, Home Economics, and Agriculture). VEISHEA is the largest student run festival in the nation and just another great reason for incoming freshman to choose Iowa State.
Iowa State University is well known for its Agriculture and Engineering programs.
CYCLONES! We are very proud of our school colors and being the Cyclones.
Our school is best know for our beautiful campus, and the adventures it offers. Not only is it physically beautiful, it s also full of passion and adventure. ISU has historically beautiful buildings, and it also offers modern spaces and places. The most beautiful part of campus is the people within it. It is easy to see even by visiting one building on campus that everyone there is part of the whole entity, and each individual offers something unique to the university. ISU allows you to choose your adventure, and that is what our campus is best know for.
There are many things that Iowa State is known for that I couldn't pick just one. A few things that stand out would be that we have the most beautiful campus located in an ideal college town. It is homey, but still state of the art. Hilton Magic is another staple that goes with ISU. Our basketball arena is like no other game athmosphere. All the fans are a family inside the Hilton Coliseum. Win or lose, we want to be there cheering! Traditions from athletics and homecoming to the zodiac on campus make ISU so great!
Iowa State is best known for its Engineering and Agriculture programs. It is also recognized for its vet program.
Iowa State University is best known for its school of engineering, and for VEISHA- the annual celebration of the individual colleges that make up the university.