Iowa State University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


I think my school is best known for V.E.I.S.H.A. It is a campus wide party that happens in spring semester. There is live entertainment, food and other events. Students show up to class drunk and don't take anything seriously all that week.


Iowa State is best known for its engineering program. The school offers I believe 13 different engineering majors, including the major I am studying, construction engineering. This major is hard because not many schools offer it. In addition to the wide variety of majors, the college of engineering here at Iowa State stresses research. If a student is looking for research opportunities, they can find them pretty easily at Iowa State.


My school is best known for the Agriculture and Engineering programs available. It is also know for the vast variety of clubs and organizations as well as the first land grant school in Iowa.


Being totally jokes (Nerdfighter talk for awesome)


The school is best known for its reputation in the areas of Engineering and Veterinary Medicine. From a non academic stance the school is best know for VEISHEA, the annual celebration held each spring on campus.


At first I honestley had no idea though after completing my first year I realized that our school is pretty well know for engeneering. It definetley is not my feild of choice though we are highly ranked in the nation being among the top five best choices for our programs. Other than that I have spoken to many peole about my school and almost everyone says that the people on our campus are among the nicest they have ever met. They also seldom fail to speak on our campus and how nice, clean, and peaceful our campus looks.


Iowa State is best known for its Chemistry professors, Vet- Med School, and it's animal science courses. It also well known for its engineering courses. Iowa State was where the rice krispy treat was invented. Iowa State also helped in designing the atomic bomb.


My school is best known for its accredited programs in design, engineering programs, and strong school spirit.


Iowa State is best known for its college of engineering. It is ranked in the top fifteen schools for physics. There is a wide selection of tools avalible to staff and students, including learning communities whose single purpose is to help students be successful. Another opportunity Iowa state is well known for is its career fair. Leading industries come to Iowa State looking for students to apply what they have learned in class out in the industry.


The Engineering and Agricultural research fields.