Iowa State University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Iowa State University!


The community atmosphere you can get when you get your connections aligned.


The campus was just beautiful! It was also really relaxed.


While being a good school, it is not extremely competative.


The faculty was honestly eager to see what they could do to help me get started at Iowa State where as other schools I considered took an attitude and acted stuck up when I talked to them.


It was alot of opportunities for everyone. Being in the Agriculture field ther are so many options avaliable to me to succed.


Two notable, and unique characteristics of Iowa State University include it's overall friendliness, and student involvement. Students at ISU are some of the most involved people: from dance marathon, to intramurals, to residence hall governments, to bands, etc, these are some of the most dedicated and hard working people I know. If nothing else, the last two years of my life spent at ISU have taught me the value of keeping a friendly disposition and being ready to help others. I believe this is a quality that you will find in nearly every Iowa State student or faculty member.


High quality academics. Bigger. In my home town. Friends were going here.


we have a fabulous campus that is extrodinarily beautiful and unique


It has a great design program that I can afford that others didn't provide or were out of my price range


its close to home.