Iowa State University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Iowa State University!


This school allows me to express myself. I do not feel like I have to hide how I feel. Other schools that I looked at put me down for how I dresses, and how I spoke. Here my accent does not matter and the way I dress is just another style.


Iowa State was my last choice school coming out of high school. I couldn't imagine having gone anywhere else.


For multicultural students, don't worry about the diversity! There is plenty of diversity here at ISU. There is the Multicultural Student Association that you can join to receive free printing, have access to a computer lab, and even have a free tutor. There are also sororities and fraternities that you can join that are for multicultural students as well. International students also attend Iowa State so befriending one will broaden you view! There is even a special learning community for multicultural engineers in the residence halls. You can also apply for the George Washington Carver Scholarship, if you are a multicultural students. So just remember, college is an adventure in itself but just remember that you will get as much out of it as you put in. Iowa State is an amazing college!


Aerospace Engineering program is pretty unique in that freshman are able to actually take some aerE classes their first year. I really enjoyed this as it let me meet my classmates early on in my clooege career.


If you want to get involved there are many many ways. And most people do! I am in a sorority (Sigma Kappa), the Nutrition club, and the Student Dietetic Club!


Can't think of anything....


Alpha Omicron Pi


I love ISU and I love being Greek.


Sigma Kappa!


Attending Iowa State University was one of the best decisions I made in my life. It has helped me to learn in grow in areas other than academics.