Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


Visit a variety of colleges, in and out of state. Don't let money be your biggest concern when you are choosing a school, you want to spend these 4 or 5 years of your life having fun and preparing for your future, don't let money be a deciding factor.


Find that school that best suits you and your goals. Don't pick a college because that is where your best friend is going or your boyfriend/girlfriend is going. And when you get to college stay on top of your school work and life will be much enjoyable. Get involved with activities as well, you will make new friends and find a break from homework and the stress.


In my opinion I would tell prospective incoming freshmen to explore all of their options and visit several campuses to make sure you have the right feeling about a campus, the professors, staff and fellow students, and the town in which the college or university is located. Choosing a college is an important decision that will change your life and should not be taken lightly. I believe that young people applying for college should apply to several colleges. It is best to have a back up plan in case you are not accepted to your first choice, what may not be your first choice could possibly be a stepping stone to bigger and better choices that work well for you in the future. As a sophomore I remember that the hardest thing for me to do as a freshman was to stay on campus for the first several weeks of school. This was a time when I missed home, family, friends and beloved pets but the choice was right to stay on campus so that I was able to meet new friends and dorm-mates, get acquainted with campus activities and explore my new home town.


find somewhere that has a great program that you love, then you will enjoy the school and learn so much more!


The key to finding the right college is to find out what interests you or what kind of job you would like to do. Then apply to the colleges that offer your program of choice and visit them. By visiting them you can see for yourself what it would be like to be a student. After you arrive get involved! There are so many different clubs and extracirricular activites that you can participate in, there is something for everyone. Another important thing is to think about your priorites. School should come first, the reason you are there is to learn and build a knowledge about what you want to do as a career. However, there should definately be room for fun. In college you are very likely to find lifelong friends, so be open minded, friendly, and don't be afraid to open yourself to new ideas.


Find a school that you plan to stick with for four years. I transfered to Iowa State from Southeast Missouri and I found it very difficult to adjust and to organize my previous credits with the requriements needed for ISU. Also try to find a major early and get involved in at as soon as possible. Go to every career fair offered and just be active in your education. This is college and you're ment to have fun, but do so responsibly. College is about starting your future and you don't want to start your future with a record for getting in trouble by partying too much or bad grades for the same reason. These will be the best years of your life, so make the most of them.


Honestly assess what it is that you hope to achieve in your life when choosing a college. Don't go to a university based on location alone, but find a balance between the quality, size, affordability, and personality. You will be spending the next few years of your life in the college you choose, so it is important that it have the right feel for you. Once you get to your new school, try new things, talk to people different from yourself, and be open to new ideas. There is more personal growth done outside the classroom than in, so take advantage of the opportunity you have before you.


Choose a college where you don't know anyone. Then, you can truly branch out, make new friends, and learn new things about yourself. If you're a student who is lucky enough to know what you want to do with the rest of your life and what you're passionate about, go to the best school you can for that purpose. If you find out through schooling what you want to do later, don't be afraid to transfer for yourself and your needs. Make the best of your years. Find people that you love for real reasons, and not artificial/shallow reasons. Become a good listener and learner about other people and be tolerant of other views. You don't have to drink every night. I don't drink at all and can still have fun on weekends. Do not give up your dreams to drink with friends. If something works, stick with it. If something doesn't work, try something else. Don't be afraid to change your mind. This is your college experience.


My advice to a high school graduate would be to do what you are passionate about. Make sure that you choose the school that will give you the best chance at a career after school. By doing this the student will be able to find the college that best suits him/her. The best way to enjoy college is to get involved in campus organizations. You meet a lot of people and gain a lot of experience that way. All schools have clubs, intramurals, and other small organizations which is a great way to enjoy campus life. I know I waited to join an organization until my second semester of my sophomore year and I regret not getting into it earlier because I have met so many people and have become a lot more involved with things that are going on around campus. So if you do all that and choose the school that best fits your needs, you will be better off.


My advice to parents or students in choosing a college, would be to take the campus visits and make sure the campus fits you and your field of study. Parents, let your child choose the school that fits them best and they will be happy with their educational experience. Attending college is about the education of course, but also about the experience. If you are having a good time and meeting new people, having new experiences, you also become a more valuable member of society. Students, get involved, in the greek community, or clubs, or activities on campus, meet people and enjoy!