When you are looking at colleges, do not just pick any college based on a catalog, or what your friends have said! Make sure that you go visit! I would also recommend going for longer than a few hours, try to visit for a weekend! Really try to get to know the campus and a feel for the people that go to school there! I would even try to sit in on a class and see how you like the style of teaching. Also, meet with advisors/professors in your projected major. Once you are in school, really try to step out of the box! Try new things that you normally would not. I try to always remind myself "when will i EVER get the opportunity to do this again?". This mantra has helped me make the best out of my college experience. I joined a sorority and I am involved in several different clubs and organizations that relate to my major and interests. College is the best place to find people with your interests, so even if you're nervous about something--try it, someone else will most likely be there too! LEAVE COLLEGE WITH NO REGRETS! :)
To the parents I would say to let your child go where he/she wants to go to college. Don't try to keep them at home because then they will just want to go farther away. To the student I would say that no matter what follow your dreams. You only get this one life and finding what makes you happy is so important. Sometimes it doesn't seem possible to follow your dreams because of finances or other obstacles, but if your dreams are what will really make you happy you should try your hardest to reach them. Pick a college that allows you to do this, one that offers you the ability to reach your dreams. How you make the most of your college experience is really up to you and what you like to do. Find things, people, or places that make you happy. Finding your happiness will not only allow you to make the most out of your college experience, but you will also allow you to make the most out of life.
Go with the college that best equips you for the life you see in your future. Work hard at doing well in your studies, but make sure you spend some time on yourself, otherwise you'll get too stressed out. Always remember to ask questions. The professors are being paid by you, so they don't mind when you ask for help! Make sure to experience the community around the college you choose. Volunteer somewhere nearby and get to know the locals--they are a wealth of information. Stay on top of your finances. Borrowing money is convenient for the time being, but will eat you alive later on. Keep in touch with your family and friends from back home. Experience the thrills of an international internship or study abroad program. The world is becoming smaller every day! Overall, relax and enjoy the process of getting a quality education!!
Shop around and take the time to research the schools that you're interested in. If you're not sure about what you want to study, take advantage of campus visits and reach out to student coordinators and staff to get the information you're seeking. Ask questions, and you'll get answers. In your first year of school, take advantage of joining student organizations to meet new people, no matter how shy you may be. There will always be something for you, and you will definitely not regret it. Stay focused, ask for help when you need it, and don't be afraid to make mistakes- it happens to everyone. Employ all your academic resources and really tap into your ambitions; you'll never fail.
Go with your gut feeling, and do what YOU want, not what others want, or say you should do. If you are going to succeed at something, it has to be something you love!
Do what you love. Doesn't matter the cost, follow your heart.
College is one of the greatest opportunities we have in this country. It is an opportunity for us to see what we are made of, what we are capable of, and what we can do. The college experience shapes lives for the future. The incredible thing is that this experience is not a set path, but has infinite possibilities. When choosing a college, you should ask yourself questions such as "What is my purpose in going to college?" "What are my goals?" "What do I want in life?" If you can answer these questions, it will help you define a path to reach those goals. If you know what you want and have a plan, go for it, even if it costs a good deal of money. Admittedly, sometimes common sense must be used (with respect to pricing), but there is truly no better investment thajn investment in yourself and others. Think of the returns!
Seek out a university or college with diversity. Diversity in people. Diversity in activities. Diversity in professors. Diversity in academic options. You may enter college having your whole life planned out, but life changes. Your world view changes. Your college or university should enrich you in a way that makes you understand more about what you think and why you think that to be true. Be challenged by listening to speakers, seeing performances, meeting with professors at the top of their fields, befriending an international student. Be challenged by the students in your classes. Seek out a university or college with many options to expand your opportunities. Check out their programs for study abroad and internships. Don't settle for something that seems to fit just for "people like you", but let college be a time to shape who you will become. Don't become something simply because you didn't see other options or have diverse experiences. Experience it all and then decide fully who you are and what you believe.
When I graduated, I didn't know where I wanted to attended. I ended up selecting the school were I had the most scholarship money. The school was fine, but it wasn't a great fit for me. During my freshmen year I decided to transfer to Iowa State and I love college now. It is important to select a school where you enjoy the atmosphere and will love spending your time. Make sure the university has a strong program for the area you are studying, but that's not the only thing that matters. Think about what you enjoy doing and see if the colleges you are looking at provide opportunities for you to explore those interests. Also, so if the overall campus values are a good fit for you -- if you're very liberal you may not enjoy attending a very conservative school or vice-versa. You'll be in college for at least four years. So, pick somewhere that is strong academically and will help you achieve your future career goals but also choose a school that supports your personal interests and values so that your next four years are happy ones.
The best advice for new college students and their parents is to be pro-active. The best way to ensure a positive college experience is to get involved in student activites, ask questions, and step outside the comfort zone. Engage professors in conversation, both in and out of the classroom. Talk to academic and financial advisors as they often know more opportunities for the student than a student may realize. Get involved in student activities on and off campus; This creates lasting relationships and life-long friends. Don't wait for things to happen. Rather, go out and do; It is only in this way that a student can reach their full potential in any educational institution.