Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


If I had the oppertunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to be more studious. Since being at college I have learned to read things in adanced, take time on homework and study more than just the day before. If new these things in high school, my grades probably would have been a lot better senior year, and college would not have been such a shock. Another thing I would tell myself as a senior, would have been to be more responsible for myself, so that once was on my own, I would know how to do my own laundry and cook for myself. Finally I would have told myself to apply for college earlier than I origionally did, because my chances of getting into my desired university would have been greater.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to prepare for a life altering event. Be prepared for the possibility of living with a total stranger and all of the quirks and habits that come with them. The people you will meet will have a great significance in your journey through college. Don't be so eager to fit in that you fall victim to peer pressure. There is always the possibility that something you do could come around and hurt you and your reputation in the end. More advice would be to actually attend lectures and do the required coursework. Some classes may seem easy but reality will hit you fast once you get a bad grade on your first exam. Have time to relax and enjoy college but never put your studies "on the back burner." Make time in your schedule to study. You will never have as much free time as you will in college. The only issue is how you use it. That is the advice I would give myself if I could go back in time.


Knowing what I know now, I would have only gone to one year at a community college and then transfered to a state university. I have my AA and my AS from a community college and this is my 5th year of college but it seems that I am even farther behind the juniors in my class. I also transfered from a smaller university to a bigger one, and I miss the smaller university more each day. While there are more activities and social events at this university I am having a very hard time making friends because there are just so many people on this campus that I am not closly knit to a group. On top of transfering from a community college to a small university to a big university, I did not look to closely at my transcript and new graduation requirments and have had to spent the last year trying to catch up with the juniors in my class even though I am a senior. I feel frustrated that even with 6 years of college I will still need to go to graduate school in order to practice physical therapy.


First off, I would tell myself to keep taking math because there is a lot you can forget in one year! Besides that, college is not a huge change from high school so there is no need to stress as much. There is a lot more free time, so try to get your homework done so you can have more time to enjoy college. That first week keep your door open so you can meet people on your floor, not only will you meet great people to hang out with and eat dinner together, you might also meet future roommates and life- long friends. Also, don't worry about being involved in everything. College has a lot to offer but don't feel like you need to be in everything that you were in high school, choose a few things you really love and find clubs and other things like it. You can always join something else if you find out it is something you no longer enjoy. Other than that, enjoy your senior year and start getting excited for college. It's a time where you will grow and really become who you are. Good Luck!


If I could go back to my high school self, I would tell myself to take as much college credit courses my high school had to offer. I noticed that some of the classes ISU offers are the same or very similar to the classes my high school offered. I did take college/AP in high school, but could have taken more. The opportunity of getting ahead in college and even saving money when taking college classes in high school is one every student should be aware. Not only do these courses count toward college credit, but by taking them in high school, it allows you to register for new or "out-of-the-ordinary" courses in college. I don't regret anything I did in high school to prepare for college, but I do sometimes wish I could have taken more AP courses, so instead I tell my high school friends and family about college/AP classes so they can be well prepared for college.


This question is one I can now in later life answer with conviction. As a young college student, I quit because the stress was too great and I did not know which direction to go in my studies. Now there are broad liberal arts degrees in which one may study a great variety of subjects , not just one or two main areas. It is possible to work part time and attend college part time, even though this may take longer to obtain one's degree. Rather than give up and quit, regretting the decision the rest of one's life, and having limited job opportunities, I would counsel any young student who is struggling to cut back to a couple of classes but to continue pursuing that college degree. I will graduate this May at age 60 and have never been happier in my life about any decision than returning to complete my education. There are also on-campus tutoring sessions for students struggling with difficult classes. These are taught by students and are affordable and a good use of time. Often another student is able to get a point across better than an instructor. Today's options are limitless!


I would tell myself to go talk to the quiet girl down the hall. I discovered we have the same taste in movies, books, and love of junk food. We helped each other relax and enjoy the new experiences college had to offer. We are now best friends and roommates. I would not forget to mention trying new clubs or sports. It is a great way to meet people you would not otherwise get the chance to become friends with. As important as school is, it is the friends that you make along the way that really make college one of the best times of your life.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would encourage myself to not ever give up. A dream can be achieved by breaking it up into steps, or goals that include short, mid-range and long term goals. In the meantime, my self esteem should not be determined by a lack of degree because knowledge is continual like breathing. Remain open to learning opportunities whenever and wherever you may be. A humble spirit also allows you to remain open to learning. Learn to discern when a door is closed or whether resourcefullness is neccessary. Find others who have achieved what you desire and let their stories inspire and encourage you; avoid those who would critisize you for wanting to "be white"- education does not belong to any particular race! And finally, don't forget to encourage and help others who may be afraid of failure (like yourself) or don't quite know where to begin.


The first thing I would make sure that my high school self would know would be to appreciate having your family around before you go to college. There's nothing like having that support system and getting home cooked meals every night. I would also encourage myself to look for scholarships outside of the university itself, because Iowa State does not provide scholarships except based on financial need. I would also say try to make friends in your dorm, because it's convenient and they can be like your family, especially your freshman year. Try and contact older students in the major you are interested in for academic advice, because advisers do not always have the time to be really helpful when it comes to that. Also, make sure to apply to the Honors Program at ISU, because that is something that will open up many doors for the future.


I would tell myself to breathe. I was very stressed when I came into college and I didn't get to enjoy my first two years. I learned to enjoy it, and think of it as my job, what I want to be doing. I would have gotten into lab work along-side my professors a lot sooner also. But I am happy with the way that things have turned out. I have enjoyed my adventure at ISU!