High school was easy for me, so I never developed the study skills I'd need for college, and so, my grades dropped my first year until I learned what study skills worked for me. I'd tell myself to change roommates earlier, learn to study properly, and to not pick chemical engineering because my father wanted me to, but to do animal science like I really wanted. I would tell myself to not overextend myself socially and focus on what mattered: schoolwork.
I have absolutely loved the time I have spent in college so far. When I first came to Iowa State, I just wanted to graduate as soon as I could and move on with my life. I have come to find that to be such a sad veiw of college. The last two and a half years have been perhaps the most rewarding so far in my entire life. I have loved my classes and the lectures I have been able to listen to while I was there. The classes at college are engaging to me in a way that the classes in highschool never were. I have been more chalenged and learned more than I have in most of the other years of my education combined. The most rewarding part of my college experience so far has been definately my been my involvement on campus. I am extremely involved in the largest student organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. It is has changed my life and I think campus involvment is one of the most beneficial things any student can spend their time with. I have grown socially, acedemically, and in maturity like never before college.
I have gotten a lot more than just an education from attending Iowa State Unversity. Leadership, responsilibility, and fun! I have taken an active role in my House's cabinet, teaching me leadership, I regurally attended GreenHouse Group meeting which strive to make a cleaner and greener place for us to live, responsibility, and Iowa Staters definetly know how to have fun! House bonfires, movies, comdians at the Memorial Union, and game nights with random people all teach me that there are simple ways to have fun and get along with people. Attending ISU has enlightened me to people who are different from me, I is an awesome experience sharing stories with people you never thought you could get along with and finding out you have a lot more in common that meets the eye. but that's what you get when you attend Iowa State, a lot more than meets the eye. a Big school with a small town feel.
I have gotten a lot of out of my college experience so far. I moved more than 1,000 miles from my home in New Jersey to pursue a degree in Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies with a minor in Engineering Studies at Iowa State University. This academic combination is very unlikely, but I enjoy the opportunity to dive into both of my interests. I have made some of the greatest friends in my life here in Ames, IA. I have found many new interests and tried many new things such as horseback riding and Eygtian food. I have also learned about cultural differences and have begun to explore my heritage. I have also developed professionally as a co-teacher of a freshman seminar, a mentor for multicultural students, and a residence advisor.
Before I came to college, I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life. However, being at Iowa State has enabled me to learn so much about myself and to truly discover what I want to do after I graduate. I have been fortunate to be a part of ISU's newest major- Global Resource Systems. This program combines a social-science focused study on a specific region of the world with technical training in one of the fields offered through the college of agriculture. After spending some time thinking about my strengths and the extracurricular activities that I am involved in at ISU, I realized that I was interested in working abroad in a career that would serve other people. Additionally, I have interests not just in one field of study, but in many. Through the Global Resource Systems I am able to prepare for a job working in developmental health in Sub-Saharan Africa. The program allows me to take a wide variety of classes and gain work experience abroad before I even graduate. Being at ISU has given me the chance to really prepare for a future that I can look forward to.
I have met so many new people in my short time in college so far. It is like an entirely new world for me. I now know people from just about every background you could think of and I have made so many new friends. I have also taken the time to really get involved with my university. Going into my second semester I am an executive director for a large student organization, a member of the student government, and I hold a position of leadership in my fraternity. Through these positions I have gained an incredible amount of leadership experience and made valuable connections with faculty members at my university. It has been extremely valuable for me to attend my university as it has opened doors for me through my connections and the experience I have gained from my various activities.
So far my college experience has given me so much. Being a student in design I have been able to see myself grow so much as every semester goes by, and watch how much i am improving/how much I am learning. Had I not decided to attend university to persue my art, I would never have been able to see the full extent of my capabilities - though I still have yet to see the full capabilities, I am working everyday to reaching that point. Iowa State University is a beautiful and inspirational learning environment and I know that I will continue to excel as long as I keep up what I have learned/appreciate what I have been given there.
Throughout my college experience, I've found that it's extremely valuable to attend. Obtaining knowledge, a sense of accomplishment, and an intense drive to succeed, are the ingredients that have made college so valuable for me to attend.
Learning is the number one thing I have gotten out of my college experience. While some students take learning for granted, I look forward to everyday that I can learn something new. Francis Bacon stated it perfectly when he said, "Knowledge itself is power."
A sense of accomplishment is the encouragement that I use to continue pursuing my education. Every time I complete a class with outstanding grades, I'm instantly compelled to striving for continued excellence. Not to mention I feel extremely good after receiving my outstanding grades.
After seeing the effects from my hard word in school, I feel an intense drive to succeed. I know that if I continue to work hard and strive for excellence, I will without a doubt succeed in my career.
In conclusion, through obtaining knowledge, a sense of accomplishment, and feeling an intense drive to succeed, are what has made college so valuable for me to attend.
As of December 18, 2010, I have proudly earned a bachelors degree from Iowa State University. I began my undergrad in 2004. It took me six years to get to where I am today; I have never felt more accomplished.
There are several lessons that I have learned from the experiences that I have lived through that made me a stronger person and more confident to persue my future endeavors.
The lesson that I found most valuable is friends will come and go but education is forever. No matter how fun a night out is, that night could have been used for studying for a test that is critical to ones GPA.
My years at Iowa State have been valuable to my growth as a student and as a person. I started as an awkward, confused student and graduated as a strong, determined woman who will pave the road to success.
I was the first in my family to graduate from college. My parents both still work manual labor jobs for low wages. It is obvious that I have earned more in my career than they ever would without a degree. I am also very proud of my education and committed to continuing it because I worked hard for it and paid for it myself. I graduated with my bachelor's degree (a major and 2 minors) in 3 years at the age of 20, working two jobs and involved in several clubs and honor societies. I earned a 3.47 GPA with a 3.77 in my major. I know that setting this example for my own children will encourage them to value education the same way I do.