When parents give students guidelines about schools to apply to and they say money isn't an option, make sure it isn't. My parents said I had a <5 hour drive time to my school limit, but said money didn't completely matter, but now I have to transfer because I don't have enough money to continue going to ISU. Also, keep searching through freshman year for scholarships because it's never too late to get free money that will help you later. And even if you have money for a few years of school, if you're going to need loans ever, get some the first year so you don't have to pay as much each year - space them out and pay them back with better payments.
When deciding on a college, make sure you have found enough of the wrong ones. While students may be set on one school, you never know what is out there if you do not go out and look. Visit colleges of every type, some in campus towns, in big cities, small, large, awesome sports, schools that do not focus on sports. Never make a decision before you have seen all of your options. While visiting a variety of colleges will direct you in a certain direction, you will never know whether you like a school without actually trying it out. Any college can be a wonderful experience, most have very similar aspects to them. Always remember to have an open mind and think positively about your school. When you get too caught up in seeing all the negative aspects of a school, you will never be able to find the positive parts of those same aspects. Just as life is what you make of it, your college experience is too.
I would suggest to students that they go to the campus and take a good look at it. You want to find something that just has that, "this feels right," feeling to it. Also I would suggest that if you know what major you are going to be pursuing, look at colleges that are know for that major. Aim for the best.
As for making the most out of college, get involved. You are going to hear that a hundred thousand times between when you go to orientation and actually get to school. The reason you hear it so often is because they are right. Find a club that you would like to get involved in and get involved in it. You won't regret it.
The advise I would give to parents and/or students for finding the right college would be dont rush things. When looking for schools students and their parent should sit down and take time looking at colleges. They should also plan and go on college visits together. Parents and students should visit more than one school because they could possibly find another school that interests them. Also it is good have a few backup schools just in case their number one school choice does not accept them.
Advise i would give students about making the most of their college experience is to first live in a dorm, because that is a great place to make new friends and possibly lifelong friends. Another way of making the most out a students college experience is to join clubs. When joining a club the student is surrounded by people with their same interests. Along with doing what the student enjoys, he and/or she is also making new friends.
These are the advise I would give parents and students about finding the right college and making the most of their college experience.
My advice to both parents and students is to visit a lot of colleges to see them in person. Then narrow the list down and do the events that they have there for prospective students to make the choice easier and learn more about the college/university. My advice about making the most of the college experience is to join a learning community or some kind of organization to get to know people in your major. My advice to students would be to not go home every weekend but to have parents come up some weekends to hang out with the student in their new home/community.
The most important advice I can give is to pick a school that is right for the students needs academically and socially. Find a school that has the combination of best program for the major, the right size, and activities offered. college is an experience for the student. Although parents can/do play a role in the college life, its about what the student wants. I strongly feel that students should be able to live their college life away from the home life. This doesn't mean they have to be across the country. I ended up only 45 minutes away, but as a college student I live my own life. Also, college experience is about the EXPERIENCE! The most important advice I can give is try new things. Yes, you will be scared, but you will benefit and learn from each new experience. Campuses offer many opportunities on campus and away. I ended up living a summer in JAPAN while earning college credit. The opportunities are amazing. If you look, sometimes it finds you, the right opportunity will be there for you. EXPERIENCE AND LEARN EVERYTHING - your college years are the BEST time to figure out who you are!
The big dollar Schools aren't always the ones to go after. Also, college is an opportunity for a child to become an adult. Parents should do what they think best for the child, but now is the time for the children to become adults, make their own decisions, handle their own finances, plan their own lives. Let them take that leap of faith, if they believe it they can fly.
I would advise them to find a college where they can feel at home. If you are happy on campus, you are more likely to succeed because you are content in your enviroment. For making the most of their college experience, I would first suggest to get involved with their residence hall or sorority/fraternity. Take the time to get to know your professors because they can be some of the best resources even after graduation. Also, take time to get involved with the community around your campus and get to know the surrounding area. Finally, when you are studying, find a place on campus that you feel comfortable and can study. If you study where you are most comfortable, you are more likely to stay studying and make the most of your time.
When you're looking for a college make sure to look at both benefits and drawbacks, both things that you want and things that you don't want. If both colleges have the program you want then you can look for things such as event or people that you wouldn't be interested in to eliminate a choice. If both colleges are expensive then look at which dorm has more space or a friendlier environment. Any school at which people look will have things that they don't like and that they do like so make sure to compare both to find the college/ university that will give the overall best life experience and an environment where one can learn and have fun (and sleep and eat).
Selecting which college or university to attend is one of the most important decisions a student will make entering their adult, and professional life. I believe it is important to know the general career path the student intends to follow when considering a university. Countless hours and thousands of dollars can be wasted if their direction is unknown. Spending the first one to two years of a college education at a local community college is a great option for undecided students. I believe making the most of a college experience includes; student organization involvement, leadership experiences, and taking advantage of available academic resources. Student organizations like sororities, intramural sports, and clubs allow students to make friends with diverse backrounds and experiences while on campus. Becoming a leader on campus was on of the best decisions I made beyond choosing the school I attended. It allowed me to meet administrators, and influential people in the community. It even helped me obtain an invaluable internship experience which lead me to my first career. Finally, taking advantage of available academic resources including reaching out to faculty, visiting academic success centers, and career centers when available is crutial to many student's success.