Attending college is the best decision I have ever made. Throughout my first year of college I have learned a lot of information and acquired better work -ethics and I know feel more knowledgeable. Interacting with professors has made an impact on my learning process and grades. Asking questions in class has also enhanced my participation and knowledge about the subject. The chose the field of Business because is broad and there are several opportunities in the job market. The transition from High School to college was quite intimidating, but has been of great benefit in my personal life. I am the first one to attend college in my family. I enjoy learning, and telling my mother what I have learned in class. Education is important; education is a value that nobody will be able to take away from me. Being able to go to college also involves studying. I spend several hours studying after class, and preparing myself for exams, quizzes, and projects. College is the best decision I have ever made. In four years, I will graduate in hopes of attending graduate school.
My time at Iowa State University is a time in my life I hold very dearly and would not trade for the world. I received a first-class education which I will always be proud to have and will undoubtedly serve me well throughout my career and life. I have benefited greatly from the academic and professional network I built and it gives me great comfort to know that I will have this outstanding network of peers as I progress in my future pursuits. Outside of the academic arena, I enjoyed a social atmosphere that is second to none. I built friendships that will last a lifetime and some of the fondest memories I have ever had. My experience at Iowa State was invaluable to me, and one I will hold in the highest regards for the rest of my life.
I believe at my college, I have been able to experience many things. Professionally, I feel as though I will come out on top. I have learned with any profession, being a educator requires a certain set of skills essential to your success including, responsibility, organization, patience, knowledge etc… and I believe I possess these skills. However, being a teacher requires, in my opinion, one skill above any other, and that is passion. Teachers, although highly regarded in society, are always underpaid and underappreciated. A good educator is someone who is passionate about the profession and passionate about their students. I believe my biggest asset to being a successful teacher is my passion for educating others. The satisfaction felt when seeing a child finally understand how to tie his shoes or do long division is perhaps my greatest skill.
I have learned things in and outside of the classroom that have proved valuable to my future. The first day of orientation I met five life-long friends, and making new friends didn't stop there. I've also learned a great deal about myself as a person while at college. The most valuable thing that I have gotten out of college; family and friends will always be there for me. If I hadn't attended college I wouldn't have joined the rugby club and traveled to other universities, wouldn't have met friends' parents, wouldn't have felt the real stress that the world has to offer.
I have not been here for long, but I have learned a lot about myself. This transition has taught me a lot about my resiliance, values, and strength. It has also exposed me to an incredibly diverse atmosphere. I come from a very small town, and this experience has shown me how to live in the world with people who are incredibly different from me. My most valuable moment so far has discovering my passion (for nutrition) Unfortunately, I spend a lot of time worrying about how I will pay for my time here. This tends to inhibit the fun that I can have.
I have met a variety of individuals that have all taught me something in their own way. I've learned not to give up on anything and that the end result makes the constant effort at design projects totally worth it in the end.
I'm a student at Iowa State University that came here from Puerto Rico. I wasn't planning to attend a University in the United States, but that one night, four days before classes would start in Iowa State University, I took the challenge to take three planes to see the campus. It was amazing. It was beautiful. That same night, the decision was made: I'm staying in Iowa (what would be considered the middle of nowhere in Puerto Rico). This decision is nothing I regret. Every morning I wake up so glad that I get to go to class and read about the subjects I love; the real preparation for your major. Every morning I wake up to the thought that I will see my new friends. You learn to make your own decisions and pick your own college destiny. The advisors and the offices are always available to help. This was not an experience I was expecting, but every single day is a day to feel proud of being a Iowa State University student. I do not regret this decision. I bet anyone that sees and experiences Iowa State University would end up a proud ISU student.
For far too long, I’ve lived a life that has not been fulfilling as it should have been. I’m not placing the blame on anyone other than the true reason, me. Poor decision making and prioritizing led me to the edge of a spiritual, mental, and emotional whirlpool which I blindly stepped into. Before I knew it I had been swept away into an undertow of total destruction. With all the potential to make a success of my life, I wasted it away with dreams and aspirations, neither of which was positive or constructive. When my eyes were opened after so many days and nights of living in degradation, I decided to fight back and claim what was rightfully mine. Before this time if you would have told me that my life would consist of more than just menial jobs with cul-de-sac results or that I could ever reach a level of professionalism that could afford me the better quality of life things I would have called you foolish. However, as I challenged myself I found one thing that I had forgotten even existed, and that one thing, as important as it is, was “Hope.”
I think it is valuable to attend college for a few reasons. I've only been here about a month, and I have made the friends of a lifetime. There are so many different people, and all of them are just as new as I am. Everyone is so sweet and accepting at college. Its a brand new experience that all students attending high school should consider. I've also become alot more disciplined at college. My college experience has been amazing so far, and I look forward to continuing my college journey.
I am currently a freshman in Iowa State University but even though my stay and experience has been very short I can tell you that college is a totally different world. When your in high school you are still being monitored, if you do not do your work you are grilled out the reason of why you did not do it. Here in college it is different with your professors they do not care of the reason of why you did not do your homework, if you did it okay if not that is too bad for you. Here in college you have so much freedom and that becomes a problem. It is very important for you to manage your time well, in order to get things accomplished. You need to make time for both social and academic life so that your life in college is not useless, but sometimes what is the most fun wins over what's more responsible. This is a problem but Iowa State University also has a class for these types of problems. So Iowa State University does not only give you knowlege it also prepares you for the world out there.