Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


My college education was not just about learning the fundamentals of my degree program and getting my degree. I developed the most as a person during my college years. I matured emotionally and became my own person during college. I was no longer known as my parent's daughter, or my older sister's sibling. I became known as an intelligent, driven, goal oriented individual who reached for whatever goals I have. During college, I learned how to relate to people and stand up for myself. I learned how to do this with the guidance and support of my professors, peers and co-workers. I was glad that I had the opportunity to obtain a valuable education as well as obtain skills that are valuable to me in the work place and in life.


So far, I have seen that college is more than attending classes. It is also about meeting new people, forming new friendships, pursuing your interests, and learning about yourself. Studying what you are really interested is also valuable to me. Taking classes that will count towards my major not only motivates me to do the work for those classes, but to push through and graduate so that I may start my future career. Not a day has gone by on campus where I haven't thought of how perfect Iowa State is for me. Its a total package as far as colleges go, for me. I can enjoy studying outside or inside my residence hall den with others or by myself. Before college, I never would have thought that I would enjoy studying! The environment is fantastic, because everybody wants to be here, to be a Cyclone, and to successfully graduate! This makes me feel more encouraged to pursue my carreer goals and enjoy my adventure along the way!


College is a life-learning experience that will follow me for the rest of my life. Through this experience I've learned how to live.


So far I have only completed one year of college, but within that year I have already had an amazing experience. I feel that everyone should get the experience of college because there is so much that one can learn. I went six hours away to Iowa State University and I have already become more independent and responsible because I no longer have my parents to turn to with every problem I have. I knew no one else that was attending Iowa State which meant that I had to meet all new friends, which was an experience in itself. Everyone was extremely nice and it was not hard to make new lifelong friends. My major is Mechanical Engineering and after my first year of school I already learned enough to have my first internship this summer. This internship has already taught me a lot and I know that as I continue school and my internship that I have much more to learn . College is extremely valuable because it allows you to learn things that you cannot learn from your day to day life. I always knew that I wanted to go to college and this opinion will never change.


I have gotten a lot more out of my college experience than I ever expected. I have made friends that will stay in my life forever. I have gotten a top-notch education by professors that are well-known and prestigious in their fields. I have advisors that have guided me through my many decisons, especially when changing my major. I have been involved in going green, as well as many community services. I also have had a job that is fun and doesn't take up too much of my time. I also have gotten grades I feel I worked hard to acheive and have set my goals for the future. Everything is looking brighter every day for me and I have Iowa State University to thank for this.


I have gained a true value of friendship. While at my four year university, I joined a sorority. These women are some of the most driven women I have ever met. I learned freedom and how to take care of myself. I learned self pride, what it means to be me. I think what I learned the most is how to keep my self focused and get things done, but still have fun. In high school, my parents had to always remind me to get things done, but since I have been on my own, I had learned how to handle it all on my own. Whether it be school assignments, a meeting, or bills, I don't need anyone to constantly tell me to do something. I think going to college has made me who I am today on more than just an educational level.


While attending my first and only year at a community college, I was trying to figure out what career path I wanted or would enjoy and took only general education courses. I wanted more help and courses than my community college was giving me so I decided to move on to the University of my choice. My first semester at Iowa State University, I chose to major in business management because it is such a broad subject that I could get a taste of everything. During that time I was taking an accounting course that I did really well in so I started looking at career paths with mathematics. During my second, which is my current, semester here, I'm taking a computer programming course. I've noticed that many people have great difficulty in this course, but I've found it to be very easy and fun. Now that my second semester is coming to an end, I've discovered what career path that I want to choose. If I didn't attend this university as soon as I did, I wouldn't have found what I liked to do and what I'm good at.


There is a quote from alumnus MJ Riggs inscribed above the entrance to our Memorial Union: ?We come to college not alone to prepare to make a living, but to learn to live a life.? I have never been the traditional student, usually doing things a bit differently than my peers. My choices often mean that rather than taking the beaten path, I forge on my own through new territory. Iowa State has been the perfect place in which to do exactly that. I wound up here almost on accident, but as I look back, I realize I have had a combination of experiences that I literally could not have had at any other school. Aside from their individual value, my diverse range of experiences have all influenced and been influenced by each other, giving me unique perspective on life and a deep understanding of myself as a person and community member. That cavalcade of activity unearthed a desire to choose a career in student affairs. I may have never realized that had I been less involved. College has not simply prepared me for my future, it has changed my future. I have truly prepared to live my life.


I have gotten alot out of college it has been great.


I could not ask for anything more out of Iowa State University. My school did an excellent job at putting activities and organizations together to help freshman meet new people and make new friends. During the beginning of the year, I not only was given the chance to meet people from other states but other countries as well. Living away from home has developed myself as an independent young adult. I work hard to pay for most of my college with the money, I have saved up from working, to help prevent my parents from taking out a loan.