The advise that i would give myself is to study a lot more just to get in the habbit because it's a lot harder to start studying once you get into college. Also, i would tell myself to save every penny because college is really expensive and student loans aren't the best solution to the problem. Lastly, i would tell myself to fill out a lot more scholarships.
I would have advised myself to declare my double degree and minor a lot quicker than I did. That way I could have planned out my course schedule a lot easier.
a good environment for studying is really important. go to a school that is competitive and wiil encourage you to challenge yourself.
The advice I would give to myself would be not to get hung up on a guy back home and to live your freshman year. That was probably one of the hardest things for me this past year. Now I have learned that you have to live your college years and do well because you only have four years of it. I would also tell myself to be out there and get to know people and not worry so much on being homesick. My first semester was really tough for me being three hours away from home I was homesick a lot. I have really grown up this semester and glad. I have learned who my true friends are. Another thing I would tell myself would be to read the chapters and study a week in advance for a test. College exams aren't easy and I have really learned how to study now and am glad. Even though I did not get this advice in advance I am still enjoying college, and to be honest wouldn't want to go back and try it again because this time is going pretty good.
I would tell myself not to worry as much. College is a great place to be and meet new people. I'll be busy with multiple things at a time so I won't be bored. The people around you become like family and the professors are understanding and want to help you with your academics. You will have all the support you will need at Iowa State University. Just relax, have a good time, and don't stress so much about everything and how it will fall into place.
When you get into college, be prepared for how different the teachers conduct their classrooms. It is very different, but you must stay focused and committed if you want to do good. Make sure you're not late for any registration because there are other students ready to take any open spots. Stay on top your classes and school emails, they will notify you about important dates. Get to know the campus ahead of time so you are not lost. Also make yourself familiar with the teachers and events so you know how things run within the school. Make sure you see your counselor regulary, they will help you out on a lot. Please, take advantage of the lab hours you're assigned to and the lab and library period! Always keep in mind the basics of education, be on time to class, listen and pay attention in class, ask questions, do your homework and classwork and study! Do not procrastinate!
The advice that I would give myself is..... go to school. Even if you don't know what you want to go for. Just take some classes and see what interests you. I wish that I could really go back and do it all over again. I would go to college and take some classes. I am 40 years old and I have forgotten so much stuff in the years since graduating high school. I really wish that I done this a long time ago. But I decided that I am never to old to learn something new. I always tell teenagers go get your education while you are young. Because once you are older it is so much harder to do.
I would tell myself the same thing that I tell my incoming students, "Welcome to college, honey, you will actually have to work for your grades here." As someone who skated by in high school, I really didn't believe those who told me that college is actually difficult. I would probably inform myself that it is difficult, but fun. By working hard and applying myself during the week, it allows me to have a good balance on the weekends.
I would say to continue on my path to ISU, it has been very fun and i would not trade it for anything in the world. i would say to get involved in the greek system earlier and that i wouldn't regret it. being in the greek system is great, it provides me with a tutor, and i have better incentive for having a good gpa than if i weren't in it. i would also say to review a little bit of calculus, and to be prepared for hard exams. also that the first weeks may seem like a breeze, but after that the professors really start to make their classes more rigorous. but for the most part i would say to have fun and continue on to ISU.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself Iowa State is great and that I made the right choice. I would also tell myself that keeping focused on your studies is important and that working hard pays off with good grades. Additionally I would tell myself that it's important to get involved and meet lots of people; to go out and enjoy myself and not be held back. The advice to myself would be that studies are important, as my high school self knew, but it also important to not worry so much about the small things and to enoy life because college goes so fast; before I know it I will be a junior and have only one year left!