Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


If I had the ability to go back in time and tell the person I was when I was a high school senior the skills they need to succeed in college, the critical components would be: time management, reading, working out, and maturity. Entering college was a real transition and milestone in my life. I disciplined myself in developing study skills by devoting 6-8 hours into studying and reviewing concepts every day. Then I learned how to release stress and increase my motor/cognitive skills by working out at the gym. Using these skills in my college life, I successfully obtained a 4.0 Cumulative GPA and became a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. The last important thing I learned in college is "maturity. " I believe maturity is getting to understand yourself more. In college I learned more about my personality and the way I study and even communicate with people. Going to a community college was the best choice I made, because it developed my study skills and made me a better person I am today.


I would definitely have prepared myself better for the academic transition to courses in college. I would have taken better control of my time management, and not have procrastinated and crammed so much. STUDY HARDER!


I would tell myself not to wait to attend college , I would do it immediately following high school and I would directly for my bachelor's degree. When you wait after high school - it's really hard to go back because your used to being in the working field and going back to school could change that. The more that time goes by the easier it is to put on hold. Just do it.


I would tell myself to take more classes in high school for college credit. I would also tell myself to attend a community college before attending a big university because it is cheaper.


The college life was very different from those in high school. In high school, we just think about what the teacher told us to do, uauslly , we just do the homework. But when i enter in the university , everything was changed, we may not see the teacher after class, everything class was in the different time and it is up to ourselves. Everything was did by yourself, you should review the book , then you can get high GPA. What's more, you should be harder and harder , beacuse too many useful information must be learnd.


If I went back in time, I would tell myself to be sure I had three years of a foreign language finished. I would tell myself to continue studying hard and working towards my goals. It is very important to be involved in high school activities because it builds character and helps you become a more well-rounded person. Don't be afraid to apply to large schools for college and don't become overwhelmed with the amount of work you have going on now in your life. One important lesson about college is to not give in to peer pressure. There are many other students out there who have the same idea about things as you do. Although it may be tough to go out and find them. It is important to focus on your schoolwork and not jeopordize your morals just to fit in. Finally, enjoy your time in college and have fun!


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as an 18 year old, I would tell myself to stick with it, and not be upset if you don't do everything perfect every time, especially the first time. Make friends, stay true to your words, and stay true to yourself. Do not allow anybody to tell you that you CAN'T do something; you get to make the decisions in your life. Nobody has control over you, but you. Attend class. Even if you're going to be late, still go! Form alliances with others in your class to help you study. Don't be afraid to ask for help; it does not make you a weak person to ask for help, you're weak when you don't. And most of all, have fun, but remember the words of your dad "It will all work out in the end. If it isn't right, it's not the end."


Don't be such a procrastinator. Make sure you leave enough time to get everything done. You may think you have time, but you really don't. Everyone here at ISU is very understanding about everything.


I would take as many college credit classes as I could as a senior in high school to safe money on school. I would tell myself to start saving money because the quote "poor college student" is 100 percent correct! Find a school that is student based, care more about the students than their next research project. Don't just pick a college because it is cheaper than others or well known by the media.


The advice I would give myself being a Senior in High School again would be more prepared for college. By "prepared" meaning looking at colleges in what I really wanted and look and start filing for scholarships and finacial Aid eariler. I would have visited more colleges rather than just Iowa Western Community College I attended and graduated in 2010 right after graduating High School in 2007. I would have also done more ride alongs and researched more about the education. My first Major was Firefighting and to get my EMT. If back in High School, I would have thought about the type, style, size, and etc of college I really wanted to go instead just kind of settling for the program and going because I knew a friend who was going there. I wish I went to a big university with Soroities and Fraternities, many buildings, big classes, and etc first because that's what I always pictured college, but no regrets. I met great friends and had many great times at IWCC. I found what I really wanted to do and was good at, which is studying Criminal Justice. Now I'm at ISU and I love it.