Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


College me: "hey claire, you need to try harder." High school me: "well, i'm 5th rank in my class, I think I'm okay..." College me:" That's what you think now. Fifth rank in a small town school isn't going to make a difference in college when you get to your first semester and realize each subject needs hours of studying. You don't know what studying even is. You aren't required to take semester tests in high school, and I really wish you would've because the first semester test at college was brutal, long and a complete nightmare. You more than likely failed it because you had no idea. Studying is not putting the pencil down until you can repeat all that you're supposed to know backwards and in Spanish, since that is you're minor now... Realize how serious this is. But, my final advice to you is don't let writing or doing what you love become a chore. Study it because you love it, because you need it, to be you. Do what you love and I know you'll do amazing." High school me:"okay.. can i go now?"


If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would tell myself to work hard to achive my goals. I would tell myself to never give up, and i would tell myself to study hard to do my best to get good grades. I would tell myself the my furture is in my hands and without a College Education I will not get a good job! Education is what you need to succeed in life. College is hard, but life is harder without a College Education. When it gets tough making the transiton just stay focused stay positive, it will be worth it in the end. Dont ever give up and keep reaching for the stars! You dream can and will become a reality!


Advice that I would give myself goes as follows. "The first thing you need to know about college is that it is not as difficult as it may seem." I went into college with these huge expectations as far as classwork being difficult. And it is not as bad as I expected. Sure I have to study more than I had to in high school, but there is still time to meet a bunch of new people and do a ton of new stuff. The biggest piece of advice I could give myself back then or someone just getting into the college atmosphere is don't worry about it. Relax, get work done, and then enjoy life and your college experience.


There is a statement I took for granted that I would have liked to share with my high school self. I would tell myself; "do what you want to do in life. Many of the people you meet will tell you that you will be great at doing this or that and although you are you should stay true to what you really want to do. It took me a long time to learn that and the result of not believing in myself at the last minute caused me to make a change in my major to what I (we) really wanted which mean I have to spend at least a year longer as an undergraduate but I am the happiest I have ever been. I will be the only person to tell you the absolute truth and that it listen to yourself."


As I am an older student than the traditional norm, I have come to realize that time is of the essence and life is only worth living when it is lived to the fullest. I would wish that if I was a high school senior today, I would listen to my mentors and have applied myself more. I would do the research to figure out what it was I wanted to do sooner, and do whatever I had to in order to achieve my goals. Now, I have a lot of time to make up for, and many things to accomplish. I feel that though I have my regret of not taking advantage of these opportunities years past, my experience has taught me to appreciate my opportunities now. I now possess a determination and strength that I feel will generate into all the great things I will accomplish during the my time at Iowa State University.


I would tell myself to be wise with my money; spend money wisely. Not only save money but to respect the little time left you have with your family and friends who are the closet with you. Choose a rommate you do not know. Expand your herizon to new and better things. Love the life you live because you only get on life and you are ony 18 once. After this you will be treated and expected to be adult, so enjoy being a kid.


I would tell my high school self to get as involved as possible, especially with not having lived in the dorms. I would tell myself that what worked for me to study in high school, will certainly not get me by, to put forth so much more effort into the academics in the beginning. I probably would tell myself to go seek others to talk to regarding majors and what options there are since I was an open option arriving, and maybe suggest visiting the career counseling center. I would also tell myself to save more money before I had entered college, it's a typical phrase "broke college student" but hearing the phrase, and actually experiencing it, I wish I would have set aside some money so things such as rent and bills would not be so stressful and more time could be devoted to studying. I would tell myself ultimately to explore, not to be afraid of taking chances, and learn how to make it on my own, to not rely on parents as much get through the first few weeks. College will allow you to grow into the person you were meant to be.


I would have taken more classes seriously. Applied myself more and not just "sliding by" because it was my senior year and I had all my credits. I was just looking forward to my summer not the future. I would have taken a few classes in the summer to get myself ahead of the game. I also would have started looking for scholarships alot earlier and not stuggled to try to pay for everything without the help of family. Starting early would have helped me fit into college quicker and taught me that hard work was worth it. Instead of trying to figure it all out while attending classes.


Don't be afraid and don't wait until the last minute to get help with your courses, because you will need it. The learning techniques your using in high school it is not going to work during your college years.


Be willing to be average, as compared to others. Doing your absolute best is good, and expected, but don't be discouraged if you haven't gone as high or far as you dreamed, or as someone you know or admire has gone. High school isn't life, it's just a start. Even if you aren't a member of that club, or you haven't won that prize, or that person hasn't been your best friend, life will still be good, and there will still be a way for you to do whatever you want, even if you have to make the way. In a few years, you will look at high school seniors the way all adults do--they're kids with good intentions and they need friends, and help with some things. So for now, use the time you have around practice and study to make another student's life a little happier and a teacher's life a little easier. Knowing how to take a break when you've done your best, and start something new, is better than trying to do more than you can.