Do homework in the few hours you have between class because it really helps you out in the long run. Also, continuously review material already learned because it WILL show up on the final and it WILL continue to reoccur throughout your journey through college.
I would say that life isn't easy and there seems like so much is going on, but you need to keep a cool head. You'll encounter barriers but education can help you with it. Be a good role model for your young sister and show her and everyone else that you got a good head on your shoulder. Don't waste it just getting by with your current job. There's so much more out there and you need to get back into school and get a start before it becomes a lot harder. Remember what you learn along the way and never lose yourself. Be good, do good. People will see it and they will remember who John Sok was.
STUDY!!! Make good study habits, and manage time better. Also, learn to do laundry.
I don't think there is any advice i could give myself that would have prepared me anymore than I already was.
Read the books before class so you arent learning the information for the first time in class and stay on top of your reading.
I would say, Calli, it's okay to try something new. Separate yourself from the crowd, it's all going to work out. Calli, speak your mind, you are just as good as anybody else. Don't let them get their way easily, stand up for yourself. Don't be afraid to talk to somebody you don't know, it helps you make friends. Try rushing, I think you'd enjoy it now that you know what it is. Now last, but not least, develop some study habits! I know you don't study, I know you don't need to! The only problem is, now you do. Study for classes even though you know you don't need it. It's going to help a lot to be able to study and to be able to balance classes. I know you are going to be able to make it through your first year, and I know it's going to be rough, but just remember.. You are a Zimmerman! You can do anything you set your mind to. Also, have fun, senior year is the quickest! Love, Me.
I would tell my younger self to do exactly what I'm doing now. Focusing the majority of my time studying and any extra time to look for potential scholarships. College is great but you have to be able to pay for it. It will all pay off in the end if you're willing to work for it now.
I would tell my high school seinor self to get involved with everthing and enjoy that last year. As a senior I felt ready to move on and be an adult but now I realize I have the rest of my life to be an adult. Enjoy time with you friends now because it changes once you all move on to other schools or start families. Lastly, don't be afraid to move away from family and explore this huge world we live in, you are only young once and should live it to the fullest before you have to be that 8-5 responsible adult!
I think the two things I would tell myself as a high school senior would be to open up to people and do not be afraid to ask for help.