Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


I would tell myself to get a job to prepare to have money so you can afford to go to college. College is expensive and do not be disappointed when you cannot go to the college you wanted to because you could not afford it. Enjoy your Senior year because once this year is over you will not have another one like it. Be on top of everything that you do and make sure you get all of your college financial aids documents completed early. People expect you to know everything and to become an adult really fast so when you go to college make sure you figure out everything you need to do from someone that you know went there.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high-school-senior self, I wouldn't say much. My transition to college was difficult but definitely not as bad as some others I have seen. Back then I was really anxious about going off to college- making such big changes, finding my way around and building relationships. I would say to myself, "Go with your gut. You have already overcome the hardest part about going to college- you built the courage to make that leap of faith. Now, all you need is confidence. Being self-assured will ease your transition tremendously. Keep your head held high, follow your heart and do what you know is right. You have come so far and there is a fantastic reward at the end of these next four years, so enjoy the ride!"


the advice i would give myself is take time and learned everything that is given in high school. Pay attention and get much knowledge that i can receive so when i get into college the transitation and work would not be so hard or tedious. It would help me to ajust and prepared for the college environment and work.


Given the opportunity to go back a couple years and have a conversation with my senior year self, I would have given myself some advice. Senior year was an exciting time of my life. The future was mysteriously waiting ahead of me. I was spending my time walking through school not knowing what was to come in my college years. I also had a slight case of senioritis. I took three Uconn courses because I was feeling ambitious, in the beginning. After two weeks I was left with one Uconn course, Human Development. I had dropped chemistry and statistics because they a lot of work. Hard work and senioritis do not fit well together. If I went back I would have told myself to have stuck with those Uconn courses. In high school they stretch one class throughout the whole school year, not just one semester. It would have been a lot easier to grasp chemistry and statistics at a slower pace. I have learned my lesson on being lazy when it comes to school. Now my ambition results in good grades and an interesting new knowledge on new subjects, instead of a drop class form


Transitioning into college life can be a little overwhelming. Theres more homework, more responsibility, and more chances for social interaction. Remember that life may seem hard at times but if you stick to being yourself, you can get through it. At first it may seem you'll have a hard time making friends, but trust yourself. People will like you for who you are. When push come to shove remember to put your academics first, this is what you are going to school for. On the other hand make sure you do things you want to do. This is your time to be free and experience things. Don't hestiate, jump into things. Don't have any regrets. This is your time to experience the world for yourself, make choices, do things, meet people, have the time of your life!


If I could go back in time, I would say, "Trust your gut, Becca." I had always wanted to go to Iowa State University, but my thoughts focused on the hefty price tag and the 30,000 students. I spent too much time second guessing myself. I should have gone for what I really wanted right away: to go to Iowa State University. I would also say, "Dream big, Becca." I almost missed my chance to join the honors program at Iowa State because of my initial hesitation. I was intimidated by the number of students. I didn't believe in myself enough to join the honors program from the start. I did, however, end up signing up for the honors program late in the game. In doing so, I missed out on a lot of opportunities. Although my hesitation and lack of courage caused me to miss out on some experiences, my choices to attend Iowa State and sign up for the honors program were the best decisions I could have ever made. Most of all, if I could go back in time I would say, "Calm down, Becca. Just take one day at a time."


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior the best advice I could give myself is not to worry about the transition. The classes may be different, and you may be expected to do alot more, but as long as you come to school determined to succeed everything will work itself out naturally. If you go off to college thinking "I'm going to be the best I can be and let nothing stop me." you will make the transition just fine. Just learn how to keep track of what needs done and what more can you do to be even more successful. If someone told me I would be House President as a freshman last year I wouldn't have beleived them in a million years. Now I am a freshman House President. I represent over 50 guys on my floor of my dorm building.


Apply for scholorships and do your research. If you take the time to get online and search through all of the scholorships and do research about colleges it will really help you make your decisions and pay for college!


First and foremost stay focused on your studies, don't get senioritis and slack off, college is no joke but it is well worth it. Second take advantage of every opportunity! There will be alot to do on campus so get out there and explore life; get involved; participate in clubs and intramurals; go to events; meet people. Life on campus is exciting and challenging. In the end you will see that it is well worth the time and effort you put in. You will make life long friends and you will learn more about yourself as a person than you ever imagined. You will grow and develop as time goes on and that is a good thing! Don't be affriad to try something new, go somewhere, and dream big, you can do it and college is a great way to achieve anything you want to in life!


The best advice that I could have gotten as a high school senior would have been this: stop worrying about what everyone else thinks! After a year in college, I have come to realize that in the real world, it doesn't matter if you are "cool," it doesn't matter what your parents think, and it doesn't matter if you do what you think other people expect you to do. You won't be happy until you find yourself and figure out who you are and what you want out of life. So take others' advice, but take it with a grain of salt. Go to college with an open mind, have new experiences, and figure out for yourself who you are. There are a lot of people at college, some who are like you and some who are different. Try to learn from everyone you meet and take it all in - college will be over before you know it!