Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


"College is a big and expensive undertaking. If you are going to go to college you need to take the responsibility to study and complete your work as needed. You need to realize that your parent will help you all that she can but you will also have to help with the financial aspect of college. You need to chose the major that you are comfortable in and then give it all you got to make sure you are a success in that field. If you are going to teach, you need to make sure this is what you really want to do because it is one of the most important jobs there is...and it is not easy to be a teacher. If you truly want to be a teacher, then pick an area that interests you now, and one that you think will always keep your interest. You have a lot of years to teach before you can retire and if you pick an area that you don't think will interest you for many years, you will not be a good teacher and that is not fair to the kids you will be teaching. Study hard Tye!!"


I would remember that long term goals are more important that short term goals such as your social status or popularity. I would remember that grades at this point in my life are important, more important than a random person I may meet friday night and not remember. I would be sure that I started my college career off strongly.


Javier, Look at yourself, you’re living life carefree. Every day when that closing school bell rings you think the day is over. You go to soccer practice, have fun, go home and eat dinner, and maybe watch a little bit of TV. Even if you have an exam the next day, the most amount of study time you accomplish 2 hours, maybe 3. Then you take the exam and receive a passing grade. You shrug and say "well enough". But you fail to realize that you’re not being challenged, that you’re settling for something that fails to demonstrate your full potential. With urgency, I ask of you to change this promptly. Life isn't be carefree as it is now. There will be times that you will not know everything as you do now. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help does not signify that you're dumb or stupid. It only means that you are smart enough to use other people’s failures for your own success. Because the journey to success can only be accessed through the road of failure; knowing what doesn't work is knowing what will. -Future Javier


Dear High School Austin, I imagine you might be at your lunch table right now: from your left, Hannah, Josh, Beth, Lucas, Ellie, Jessie, and yourself. All of these people have shaped you into you who are today and have been your best friends for the past four years. It's almost graduation and although you are itching to get out of Cedar Falls High School, I know you're going to miss these kids. However, although you're going to Iowa State by yourself, do not get stuck in the mindset that these people are the only people you can have long life friendships with. My advice to you as you enter college is to talk to EVERYONE. You have no idea where these people come from or what they have to offer. They may be able to help you in a class or enjoy a football game with you. They even might become your best friends. Austin, do not judge off of appearances or backgrounds. Get to know the people around you as Iowa State brings in the best kids around. Keep the friendships you have now but be open to meet new people. Sincerely, Sophomore Austin


I would tell myself to prepare for college by getting used to keeping a schedule. My freshman year in college was extremely busy as we have a very competitive selection process the first year in order to be accepted into the program of choice. I had no idea of this process and had to get used to it on my own. I would tell my past self to prepare by learning better time-management skills and to practice by always completing my homework before going on to do other tasks.I would let my past self know that while the work may seem exhausting at times, in the end it is well worth the effort. Although my freshman year was the toughest, I would gladly do it over again because I know now that the experience was greatly helpful in getting me where I am today. I am extremely happy with the program I am in and all the work I have put in has paid off and more.


Don't be so shy around people, everyone else is in the same shoes you are. Get to know more people right away. You have no reason to be shy or intimidated. You are a strong confident person and have nothing to be afraid about. Go to more events at the beginning of the year that they have set up for freshman. Make time for yourself more. I know mom would like it if you came home more often. Just don't forget to have fun! These are the best years of your life, don't waste them by constintly being stressed and worried. You're smart and a hardworker. You will succeed!!


Branch out! Do not just stay with your same high school friends. You are going to make tons of new friends. And once you decide on a major you will make even more friends in you major. So don't worry if you come in undeclared; you will still make more new friends (even if it is in the last month of the school year). Don't worry about not getting all "A's". I know that first bad grade is really going to hurt. It is a new and scary experience to get grades that seem really bad. But it will be okay; life will go on. As long as you are still trying your best, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Get involved! Don't wait untill second semester because you are "too busy" to begin with. Trust me, you are not even close to being busy yet. If you wait to long to get involved you probably never will. So seek out those clubs that really caught your intrest and investigate what they have to offer. And finally, HAVE FUN! Just enjoy your time because as they say, "You only live once."


I would tell myself not to be afraid. Even though I know that my transition was very hard the first few days, everything started to get brighter as the campus and the people around me welcomed me into their lives. I would tell myself that if I try to enjoy my experience, I will succeed. However, if I choose to be afraid and closed off, I will be miserable. I would tell myself to take part in activities and seize opportunities, enjoying my life day-to-day.


Take each and every experience ot the fullest dont complain about the little stuff because there is so much more going on in life then just whats happening with you focus on your realatioships and FRIENDSHIPS!!


Take dual credit courses, go directly to bachelors and skip associates degree....go to vet school ASAP