Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


I would have told myself to immerse and explore in a variety of fields of study and subjects so that I expose myself to many options and find what I am most passionate and interested in so that I have an idea of what I would want to major in. I would also have told myself to play hard but also to work hard as good work ethics are cultivated and it is very much needed in order to succeed in college. I would have told myself to be bold, independent and courageous in learning and go beyond the textbook, assignments and exams and conduct self directed learning opportunities by going into the community to seek chances to learn more about practice what I've learnt in school. Learning takes place beyond the four walls of the classroom and in college, it is very much up to yourself to determine how much you learn and how much you get out of it. Intiative and curiosity is very important and more often that not, you would gain from pursuing actively, even from failures. I would also have told myself to find an intrinsic motivation because it's what carries you far.


I would tell myself to do some extra cirricular activities. Any sort of activitiy, because despite my achedemic achievement, I did not recieve much help at all with paying for college. I didn't know that activities outside of class were so important. I would have told myself to volunteer and join choir.


I suggest not taking the decision lightly, not just the decision of the college you're attending but the classes you're planning on taking. You'll be disappointed in yourself if you waste your time and money taking classes and having to retake them so make sure you're focusing on your classwork as well as having fun. Transferring to a 4 year college after taking classes at a two year college is difficult and a hard adjustment; I suggest not transferring in the middle of the year but at the beggining when everyone is looking for friends. Seek out help for classes you know you'll have issues with, it doesn't mean you can't do it alone; but it helps a lot to have someone to ask questions when your professor or student teacher isn't available.


I will never forgot the life lessons I have learned and am continuing to learn in college. I do not regret going to college one bit, for it has broadened my outlook of life and my own education. Going back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior would give me the opportunity to give myself a few valuable pointers in making the transition from high school to college. Telling me what to expect in college would help my past self very much so. The advice I would give myself would consist of the ways to succeed to college. The most important thing I have learned since going to college is that you get what you earn, if you don’t want to succeed in college, you won’t. I would tell myself to be prepared to study hard and learn a lot, not only just about your own education but the world around you. College is a place to learn what you want to do with your life, so I would tell myself to never give up in your goal of succeeding in college. College can be hard, but most of all, it can be fun.


I would tell myself to branch out as much as possible upon arriving to campus. I would get more involved during my first freshman semester. I would advise myself to take a variety of classes to see what I would like to do rather than taking courses I thought I would like. I would tell myself it is okay to not know what my major is going to be.


My advice I would give myself as a high school senior is to work hard and tell myself not to fall behind. As a senior, it would be common for me to know that college is rough. It's important for me to stay on track get the best grades as possible.


I'd tell myself that college is all about choices. From choosing a major to choosing extracurricular activities to choosing where to live, life as an undergrad is full of things you’ll decide for yourself. On the one hand, this is awesome because you have the freedom to do anything; on the other hand, you’ll be completely overwhelmed at first by how many options you have. Should I pick up a minor in Philosophy? Should I join the swimming club? Should I eat a salad or six doughnuts for lunch? You’ll freak out as you ask yourself these and other questions. But don’t panic, I’d tell myself, because once you get used to all these choices, you’ll start appreciating the fact that you can choose. After you pick a major you’re passionate about, join a club you look forward to every week, and realize how much you love your friends, you’ll be happy you got the chance to create your own identity. Oh, and I’d tell myself not to start buying jumbo-sized bags of M&M’s to keep in my desk… because it’s really hard to stop now.


Take the time you need in order to make the right decision. Weigh the pros and cons, and listen to Mom. Think hard about what you want to major in, and don't get stuck on one specific planned path. Remember that it isn't a sign of weakness to ask for help - it will be really important in the future. Hard work is important, but it isn't everything. Try to have fun, and make friends.


Always keep an open mind and always say yes. You will make a lot of new friends and while some of the new experiences will be daunting, always step up to the plate. You've always taken care of yourself and you should continue to do so, there will probably be some peer pressure but I know you will be able to make the right decisions. Stay determined and work hard in your classes, but always be open to new opportunities. I know you'll have a great time at The Iowa State University!


Do not take the advice of my high school advisor, be sure to research in depth the major you really want instead of just settling for the time being. Also don't listen to all those people who say that you are insane for not looking at any college campuses before chosing or showing up for the first day of classes there. And finally just relax, everything works out fine, though try and study a bit harder for Calculus II exams and quizzes.