Iowa State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Iowa State University know before they start?


I would tell myself to consider our future more seriously and that time goes by much faster than you think. It is important to seek out opportunities and not to wait for the opportunities to come to you. I would tell myself to not be afraid to try something just because it might result in failure. With that, I would encourage myself to really think about what is important in life and, though it might change, use that pick your main course of study. Lastly, I'd tell myself to not make the mistake of thinking it is possible to have all the right answers with the limited experience and access to the world you have had so far.


If I had the opportunity to go back and talk with myself, I would tell myself to take take more AP courses, and job shadow someone in the field of study. I would tell myself to continue playing basketball, and not give up because some teamates appear more talented. I would tell myself to apply for the fasfa by the March 1st deadline, to be eligible for serval scholarships. Although I graduated with honors, I would tell myself to strive to be one of the 30 something Validictorians in my graduating class.


As a high school senior and throughout all of high school, education came easy to me. I didn't struggle to get good grades and class lessons always made sense. It is because of these factors that I never really pursued studying as much as I should have. If I could go back and talk to myself, the very first thing I would say is to learn some good study habits. Studying in college has been one of my biggest downfalls, or spending time on the materials outside of class in general. I would also tell myself not to stress out about dorm life and having no friends in my building, because it is very easy to make friends in a dorm setting. Lastly, I would remind myself to watch out for deadlines such as online submissions, or if tests were coming up. If I forgot about these things, my grades would plumment very quickly. In short, always be prepared, think of it as there would be a pop quiz every day, and that you should know all of the covered material, or at least most of it for each day.


Through out high school I focused a lot on my studies rather than getting a job like other students my age. Although I am very glad that I spent the time I did on my studies, I do wish that I would have taken a little extra time to get a job and save up money to help pay for books, supplies, and programs that I needed through out the past year of school. I am very happy that I worked as hard as I did on my grades because it got me into the school I wanted, but having a little more money and not having as many school loans would have helped me out a lot.


I would have made sure to work more on my time management and study skills. But other than that I was well prepared for college coursework due to taking AP classes all through high school.


When I was a high school senior I worried about everything related to the future: getting good grades, choosing the right major, adjusting to campus life and making new friends in a new city. The "college experience" was terrifying to me. Although I had mixed feelings about moving past high school, the negative worries tended to overcome my natural excitement and curiosity. My advice to my past self would be, simply, "Don't worry, be happy!" Most of the potential problems I feared never became issues at all; most of the real problems I experienced would have been avoided if I had relaxed and stopped stressing myself out. Had I worried less about the future, I would have been happier, calmer and more capable of reaching my goals. College is absolutely about accomplishing one's goals, achieving academic success and preparing for a future career. But that doesn't mean it can't also be a time of fun, pleasure and self-discovery. If only my high school senior self had known this!


I would tell myself enjoy my senior year because I'll miss it when I start college. I would tell myself to apply for every scholarship out there and don't be afraid to get involved in other activities. I would say to buckle down and study hard to build that study habit that i would need for college. I'd say Cory, you need to stay focused and don't let social events come before your future. Iowa State has everything to promise you a successful future, so don't blow it. Take advantage of everything that's offered to you in high school because it will only build your knowledge factor. Then I'd say, keep up the good work and keep on drivin cuz you've got so much going for you.


Well, I will surely tell myself to work more on SATs and college easys. As these are the two important things that makes sure you get into a good college with a good scholarship. Though, I don't consider Iowa State to be any less then other universities, infact the program I am studying is ranked top 15 in USA; but there surely is alot of room for improvemen, specially in making the campus more diverse. I remember when I was applying for college expected annual cost was a very big deal for me. 2 3 thousand extra dollar made me to decline acceptence letters from other colleges. Now, I realise that a students have many opportunities both on and off campus to earn some extra bucks. [email protected]


If I could go back in time I would tell myself that change can be a good thing. Going from a rural, tiny town to a state college can be extremely scary but you will meet the most incredible people to help you through it. Take things one day at a time. Be open to new opportunities, experiences, and friends. The girl down the hall that you borrowed a hammer from on the first day could end up being your best friend. A club you joined on a whim could keep you sane through stressful times. Never let the fear of the unknown keep you from fully enjoying your college experience.


I would tell myself to stay focused on my education. Distractions will come & go, but receiving a college education is something I will always have. Not only is a degree valuable in obtaining the job I want but, it is a personal accomplishment that I can always say I did through hard work & perserverance. Regret is not a personal trait of mine, but in the case of not receiving my college degree in the four years immediately after high school is something I do regret. Until I receive my college degree in Early Childhood Education, I will always regret it.